This colossal metablog features Mary Ann and Ginger, of Gilligan's Island fame. To keep current, I have implanted some warm and fuzzy links that will curl your toes

In all the polls the girl next door Mary Ann (Dawn Wells)rates higher (3 to 1) among bloggers than the curvy movie star Ginger (Tina Louise).
I can't vote against a redhead with nice boobs. It's physically impossible for me to click the Mary Ann button
Dawn Wells, who played the sexy but wholesome Mary Ann Summers in Gilligan's Island, said she wore skimpy shorts on the show to make herself look more elongated next to her much taller cast members. Like Barbara Eden, the shorts had to cover her navel, as per network regulations.

Dawn Wells is uploading personal photos

You guys do know who turned Mary Ann onto the Devil's Weed, don't ya? Nope! It wasn't Gilligan or the Professor. Ever notice how "out-of-it" Mrs.Howell was all those years on that island
Lovely Mrs Howell would of approved of NSFW Fred's
new Mary Jane site
Do we need to lock Granny in the closet?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Moments of unbridled sexual tension on Gilligan’s Island
Vintage Robots Hookers - Photo Dump
Is having sex with an ultra-realistic robot hooker cheating?
Tina Louise is an actress, singer and author. She played the "movie star" Ginger Grant on the television situation comedyGilligan’s Island.
I wanna be loved by you, by you and nobody else but you. Boop boop de boob, ooh!
Tina Louise's left boob and Tina Louise's right boob

I can see that you are enamored of me and why wouldn't you be? I played Ginger Grant on one of the most amazing television shows of all time. I am gorgeous and sexy and I know that you want me very badly, but all I want is coconut cream pie without the coconuts

mouse over games
Edward Snowden raised some eyebrows this week when he made a "surprise" appearance at Vladimir Putin's annual press conference
Edward Snowden : Staged Vladimir Putin Q and A Was a Screw-Up
Edward Snowden Gives Putin Super-Duper-Secret Info On President Obama’s DNA, Says Not-At-All-Crazy Birther
An Algorithm That Recognizes Faces Better Than People Can
Stay abreast of current events with Glenn Dude at Instapundit

Scarlett Johansson finally got nekkid
Double Trouble Two - Head Lights On and Asian Hotties
Wombat Dude doing a Rule 5 ricochet thing
Great Moments in Cinematic Cleavage
Vintage Babe of the Week is Vivian Austin
Link Latte (Weird and Wonderful things)
Another edition of Derp Roundup, the weekly feature where we scrape the dumbest possible news leftovers off our overheated browser tabs, blend them into an almost-digestible slurry, and a warning to imbibe heavily.
Proof Positives Linkaround
Your all in for a real treat! For those who don't know Sarah Mcdonald. She has been featured in magazines such as ... Nuts, Zoo and a regular to Daily Star page 3 chick.
Sarah Mcdonald likes strut around completely NAKED
Willy is name of Sarah Mcdonald's dog
For those of you who are history lovers - British Pathé
Kim Kardashian appears to be so desperate to prove that her whopper of an ass is real, that she’s posed next to an x-ray of her derriere.
Rule 5 - Angelica Bridges
More Angelica Bridges
I'm off to see the Wizard, catch ya later Folks