In this tremendous metablog / photo blog Josephine Baker (Entertainer, Spy, Activist and Philanthropist) receives top billing. Along with some 1920s darb stuff that dewdroppers will enjoy with their giggle juice.
The early 1920s for Josephine Baker - After dropping out of school at the age of 12 she lived as a homeless street urchin in the slums of St. Louis. The next year she was able to find work waitress at The Old Chauffeur's Club. At age 15, Josephine Baker's street-corner dancing attracted attention and was recruited for the St. Louis Chorus vaudeville show. For the next three years she performed in many of the Broadway revues.

Josephine Baker was popular in France and was known as the "Black Pearl", "Bronze Venus" or "Creole Goddess" . In the US she was rejected. Time magazine called her a "Negro wench". In New York, she was refused reservations at 36 hotels because of her skin colour. The Ku Klux Klan threatened Josephine Baker. In 1951, the famous situation occurred where Josephine Baker was refused service in the Stork Club in Manhattan and Grace Kelly rushed over to her and said she would never enter the club again. Josephine Baker then gave up her American citizenship
FBI documents from 1951 to 1966, largely concerning immigration and security issues related to Josephine Baker’s association with communist proponents and related groups.
Josephine Baker, who was married to four different men and had affairs with many others -- actually was a lesbian, ``looking for tenderness'' that only another woman could show her, Jean-Claude (her son) says.
Josephine Baker dancing in the 1920s and 30s
Long before Angelina Jolie, Mia Farrow and Madonna made headlines with their adoptive families, 1920s star Josephine Baker tried to combat racism by adopting 12 children of various ethnic backgrounds from around the world.
Inside the speakeasies of the 1920s
Flapper Slang: Talk the 1920s Talk
Hotsy totsy Shebas drink Coca Cola
Coca Cola posters
Dark Roasted Blend's "Feel-Good" series #17
Rodney's Space - great blogging site
The American Beauty Pageants 1920s
Photos, The Roaring 20s
Timeline for Women's Rights
Double Trouble Two doing a no bra day thing
Awesome Stuff Around The Internet
Head Lights are On
Internet sources tell Blackmailers Don’t Shoot (Rule 5) that Jennifer Lawrence got drunk at an Oscar party and threw up in front of Miley Cyrus
Holy Cow Batman! It's Sara Willis
The Original "Pussycat Dolls" | 1920s
African-American vaudeville performers dressed in very risque feline costumes.

Rebecca Ann Latimer Felton was an American white supremacist, lynching advocate, writer, lecturer, reformer, and politician who became the first woman to serve in the United States Senate. In a symbolic gesture, Governor Thomas Hardwick appointed Rebecca Felton to fill the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by the death of Senator Thomas Watson. She was sworn in November 21, 1922, and served just 24 hours.
Rebecca Felton claimed, for instance, that the more money that Georgia spent on black education, the more crimes blacks committed. Furthermore Rebecca Felton considered "young blacks" who sought equal treatment "half-civilized gorillas," and ascribed to them a "brutal lust" for white women. While seeking suffrage for women, she decried voting rights for blacks, arguing that it led directly to the rape of white women
The Sixth Annual National Offend a Feminist Week
"Feminism is, among other things, a totalitarian attempt to tell us what to think by controlling what we are allowed to say." - Robert Stacy McCain
Lucy Pinder salutes National Offend a Feminist week!
The Sixth Annual National Offend a Feminist Week
"Feminism is, among other things, a totalitarian attempt to tell us what to think by controlling what we are allowed to say." - Robert Stacy McCain
Lucy Pinder salutes National Offend a Feminist week!
In the 1920s and 1930s, the NRA’s leaders helped write and lobby for the first federal gun control laws—the very kinds of laws that the modern NRA labels as the height of tyranny. The 17th Amendment outlawing alcohol became law in 1920 and was soon followed by the emergence of big city gangsters who outgunned the police by killing rivals with sawed-off shotguns and machine guns—today called automatic weapons.
Proof Positive weekly best of the web, which includes Rule 5 stuff and other current events
Reaganites recommended reading for normal, non-weird Americans
This weeks political cartoons posted by Donald at American Power Blog
RODNEY'S SPACE - A blog featuring life in general, humor, cool cars, outer space, and gorgeous girls
"The old-school mysteries were never afraid to pull the "nude card" tell sell a novel or two. Men are a predictable breed; just imply nudity and we'll fork over the cash willingly."
Vintage Reads #52 :More Action/Mystery Paperbacks
Photos of Ernest Hemingway
Some manly skills for you guys.
Thrilling Vintage Movie Posters
Photos of Ernest Hemingway
Some manly skills for you guys.
Thrilling Vintage Movie Posters
NSFW Fred Dude has posted some extra good stuff this week

This is so full of wiener!
Nuts magazine is folding up. The latest sign that weekly magazine publishing is struggling to make ends meet in a digital age.
Mail Online has grown ten-fold since its 2008 relaunch, but is it journalism?

Does Lucy Pinder's (the nymph) boobs float?