The Chelyabinsk meteorite install a need for a science and sci fi fix. Then I went off on some udder tangents...
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Yvonne Craig and Genesee Beer -1965
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Yvonne Craig "I had enough credits to get into college. I just didn't have a PE (Physical Education) credit, and it was my fault. I wouldn't dress, and I wouldn't play. I always had an excuse."
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even more photos of Yvonne Craig
Several new and forthcoming projects will amass reams of new data about the near-Earth asteroid (NEA) population, but a comprehensive catalogue of Chelyabinsk-scale objects remains beyond the technological horizon. The asteroids are too numerous, and too faint, to be systematically tracked.
Yvonne Craig appeared on Star Trek: The Original Series,
playing Marta in the episode "Whom Gods Destroy".
Yvonne Craig wanted to be a dancer, and she was good enough to dance professionally while still in high school. She performed with the prestigious Ballet Russe at the Metropolitan Opera

In the early 1960s Yvonne Craig was the
girlfriend of Elvis Presley

Rare Yvonne Craig as Batgirl pictures
A cool Dude adjusting a pole dancing robot
Robots That Actually Exist
Robot Hookers (loads of photos/pics)
Confirmation Bias
In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions
The Human Blow-Up Doll
She's pretty much the most important person at fashion shows these days
Confirmation Bias
In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions
The 4 Best Conspiracy Theories About The Russian Meteorite
I propose to introduce the MeteorTax as a way to combat international meteors caused by American pollution, as well as an innovative source of revenue. Should a meteor crash onto your personal property, you will be subject to the Meteor Tax for failing to prevent it from happening, henceforth to be deposited into the Global Warming Tragedy™ fund.
The Meteor Tax is also a job creation bonanza, as thousands of new IRS agents, astronomers, and even astrologers will be hired to handle the extra paperwork, telescopic observation, and meteor prediction. Even if meteors remain rare, the busywork required to ensure compliance from each citizen will take many hours to complete.
1) Because it came out of the daytime sky. These are nearly impossible to find ahead of time because telescopes can only spot asteroids during the night
2) The Russia meteor is estimated to have been less than 20 meters in diameter, which is considered a tiny asteroid
3) The small asteroid hit the atmosphere moving at a blistering 40,000 miles per hour. That's more than twice as fast as asteroid 2012 DA12 is moving. The space rock lasted about 30 seconds in the atmosphere before breaking apart 12 to 15 miles above Earth's surface.
GRACE Maps the Gravity of Earth
To help better understand the Earth's surface, slight distance changes between a pair of identically orbiting satellites named GRACE have been used to create the best ever map of Earth's gravitational field. High points on this map, also colored red, indicate areas where gravity is slightly stronger than usual, while in blue areas gravity is slightly weaker. Many bumps and valleys on the map can be attributed to surface features, such as the North Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Himalayan Mountains, but others cannot, and so might relate to unusually high or low sub-surface densities.
The Evolution of the Enterprise
Crew of the Starship Enterprise next to
NASA's Enterprise in 1976
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These photos of Fuko were taken back in the day when she wouldn’t even go topless
Fuko Running on the beach (LoL)
To help better understand the Earth's surface, slight distance changes between a pair of identically orbiting satellites named GRACE have been used to create the best ever map of Earth's gravitational field. High points on this map, also colored red, indicate areas where gravity is slightly stronger than usual, while in blue areas gravity is slightly weaker. Many bumps and valleys on the map can be attributed to surface features, such as the North Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Himalayan Mountains, but others cannot, and so might relate to unusually high or low sub-surface densities.
The Evolution of the Enterprise
Crew of the Starship Enterprise next to
NASA's Enterprise in 1976

Who's the Hottest Star Trek Hottie?
The Theiss Titillation Theory basically says that the sexiest clothes aren’t those that show a lot, but those that look like they’re just about to, or, ”the degree to which a costume is considered sexy is directly proportional to how accident-prone it appears to be.” It’s named for William Ware Theiss, one of Star Trek’s costume designers, who, in order to skirt around rather rigid censorship rules, got creative with what he showed and hid.
is running out of options and is desperate.
Julian Assange is banking on being elected to the Australian Senate as his ticket to political freedom, saying he is sure his new WikiLeaks Party will easily attract the numbers to launch ahead of the federal election.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange regards his bid to become an Australian senator as a defense against potential criminal prosecution in the United States and Britain
There is a reason that PETA supporters will throw dye on fur-wearing socialites, rather than on leather-wearing bikers. - It's called a survival instinct
Our AV model for today is Fuko.
She was born in a melon patch where she grew and grew and grew. The farmers were humbled that Fuko’s boobs were bigger than any of the watermelons in this farm. Just look at how small those watermelons are when her boobs rest on them.