A report from Ilust News concerning Alien-Human Hybrids (NSFW link) leads this tremendous metablog / photoblog. Along with news you can use!
It's not that they don't exist; they are very real and have been visiting and living on Earth since we became Homo Sapiens. Quite frankly, Alien-Human Hybrids are the most dangerous threat to our way of life, and it isn't necessarily because they want to harm us. It's because the are infecting the gene pool and sperm banks!
Many suspect that Alien-Human Hybrids are using the Fukushima cover story. And like Godzilla are they are coming ashore!

The clever Alien-Human Hybrids are using Hollywood to introduce the human race to the Multiple Breasted species

Alien-Human Hybrids Gallery (1 of 4)

Summer time fun in the Alien-Human Hybrid's trailer park

This is for real - The wildest, way out prize ever awarded in any contest: a 19-foot-prototype of the famed NASA spacecraft. Your Gemini capsule is just like the original. There's a detachable hatch, equipment section, and retro-fire package. Accurate from the ground up! When you win Gemini you'll be at the airport when it arrives in a "Flying Guppy" Aero Spacelines plane. Your name and picture will be in newspapers and magazines all over the country. How will it feel to present your spacecraft to your city for a park or museum? Famous, that's how.
Featuring interesting and amusing comic book ads in the feature “I Saw It Advertised One Day.”
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Stunning Vintage Photographs Of Female Firefighters

Solar Panels Drain the Sun’s Energy, Experts Say
I'm following the news about the Thai coup on Facebook
With the increasing censorship restrictions, summoning of anyone critical of the junta (and the summoning and rebuking of journalists for asking Prayuth “aggressive” questions), incommunicado detentions etc it is clearly not the best time for critical blogging.
See How The Media Has Been Deceiving You
Toy Robots to Have and to Hold
Lots of K00L James Bond stuff. This chart shows every James Bond girl that has ever appeared along the fifty years of the James Bond 007 movie history.

It's time for another rousing round of our Number Seven Spy Guy Series, so B.Y.O.B. and let's get this partito rolling with this little jewel from 1966 called 077 Killers Are Challenged!
NSFWFred Dude
Glenn at Instapundit
Dummidumbwit's Weblog (Richard)
Proof Positive (Mike's) link around
Rodney's Space (lots of cool links)
NSA Releases Edward Snowden's Email
It Refutes His Claim Of Using Official Channels
Introducing Fascist Dyke Motors!
Katy "My new blogging home is a go. Stop by, say hi, add me, or do whatever it is you kids do with your fancy schmancy web pages these days."

Gene at Blackmailers Don't Shoot