Doing science with Kari Byron, particularly biology. With the addition of Spider Woman cosplay, Maya Gabeira surfing and Valerie Leon the Hai Karate chick
Kari Byron is a redhead Nobel Prize winning inventor and television personality. From a reliable source, Kari Byron is the test tube conceived offspring of Lucille Ball and Albert Einstein. Furthermore, Kari Byron has been declared "the woman most nerds masturbate to" in a joint survey

Mythbusters confirmed that women with bigger boobs received bigger tips.
Kari Byron confirms that the "pull out" method is not an effective contraceptive option
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ASStounding Moments From Nicki Minaj’s
New “Anaconda” Music Video
Marvel's PR department has gone into over drive these last few months. The latest campaign is he alternate cover of Spider Woman. Milo Manara (an erotica illustrator) has spun a tangled web of controversy after drawing an alternative cover for an upcoming Spider Woman comic that shows the Spider Woman character in a pose that would make Wonder Woman blush.

"It burns! It burns!" - Sarah Palin does holy water challenge, then screams, which would make your testicles retract even if you don’t have them!
Sponsored by Dr. Pepper?
Not Cool: ALS Association files trademark for Ice Bucket Challenge, but didn't create campaign
In 2009, Maya Gabeira won the ESPY award for Best Female Action Sports Athlete. Later that year, Maya Gabeira surfed the biggest wave ever by a female when she successfully rode a 14 metres wave at Dungeons, a big-wave surf spot in South Africa

In a likely futile attempt to save certain sailors from a premature trip to Davey Jones' Locker, I am posting the following cautionary images. - Odysseus
Insomnia flash mob causes earthquake
Sex Sells Auto Equipment In The 1970s And 1980s
Fitness Tracker data shows who in the Bay Area woke up during the earthquake
Folks tend to think of fitness tracking as a self-centered pursuit. But as this analysis proves, it can also lend an incredible amount of data about entire geographic regions, albeit limited to users of a particular device. It's easy to see how, down the road, a population of people all wearing data-transmitting devices could act as a window into what's going on in our world in real-time.
Feds Spend $1 Million on Database to Track Incorrect Thoughts on Twitter
Valerie Leon, the Hai Karate chick
Valerie Leon also had the distinction of appearing with two different James Bonds, Roger Moore and Sean Connery
The Mocho Dude has a bunch of Valerie Leon photos

Hat Tip Dangerous Minds

Rule 5 Linkfest with Jessica Alba .
Take a break from the wretchedness of the head line news and check out Wombat's Rule 5 round up
Weird and Wonderful things - Link Latte 222
Glenn at Instapundit has some up to date current affairs links
NSFW Fred Dude has some OUTSTANDING links this week