Is Angelina Jolie, with her bulbous torpedo tatas, a good role model for the modern age?

Angelina Jolie, Because She Eats Crickets
Televisions Greatest Alcoholics of the 1960s-80s
Old GIFs found for Angelina Jolie smoking
Angelina Jolie Tattoos
"It takes a whole village to raise a child." - African Proverb
Kent State Shootings - the Justice Department initially declined to conduct a grand jury investigation. A report by the President’s Commission on Campus Unrest did acknowledge, however, that the action of the guardsmen had been “unnecessary, unwarranted, and inexcusable.”
“Here’s the stark story of the nationally ballyhooed contests that peddle talent and sex – that exploit lovely and innocent schoolgirls along with brazen sophisticates – that exact pitiless toll from fresh, young beauties…!
The Pentagon’s 1033 program, which allows the Defense Department to unload its excess military equipment onto local police forces, has quietly overflowed onto college campuses. According to documents obtained by the website Muckrock, more than 100 campus police forces have received military materials from the Pentagon.
National Guard Deployments for Civil Unrest Uncommon in US

Eventually, a grand jury indicted eight of the guardsmen, but the charges were dismissed for lack of evidence.
“Here’s the stark story of the nationally ballyhooed contests that peddle talent and sex – that exploit lovely and innocent schoolgirls along with brazen sophisticates – that exact pitiless toll from fresh, young beauties…!
In the eyes of a child...there is joy, there is laughter...
there is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future...
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Feminist cosplay 1900
Concept of Innocence
“She was easy…. on the eyes, in the way she swung her lush figure, and in the way she lived, but Elly was only a wanton on the surface where men saw her as a lingerie model who would go for anything, do anything – with anybody. Yet underneath the wild silk and lace undies, inside the beautiful body of Elly Tran Ha, was a frightened girl who had known the degradations of too many bestial men, drunk with their own passions…”

Feminist cosplay 1900

Rockets made from water pipes and
warheads made from propane tanks

'Orgasmic'Slingshot Ride Gets Women Really Excited

"The strong preying upon the weak and the weak, upon achieving strength, extracting retribution: this is the nature of so many of the world's conflicts. The role of aggressor and victim may alternate over time, the tools of destruction may become more sophisticated, but little else changes." - Angelina Jolie
Rule 5 Guns for Women
All the cool Rule Fivers hangout with the Wombat Dude
The stupendous NSFW Fred Dude has posted some
astonishing links this week
So now it's the 13TH anniversary of 9/11. Back then, InstaPundit was shiny and new new. Now it's the goto place to get in depth coverage of the latest current events
The Forgotten Ones – Giovanna Ralli
An introduction of the Quinn-gate conspiracy
The Complete Lady Bountiful by Eugene Bilbrew
In 1976 The Amazing Spiderman Fought The Prodigy And His Plan For Teenage Sex
Where are the dinosaurs?
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Some guys just don’t know what they’re doing with their torpedoes.
Matthew Quick: Accidental Empires
"42" - Douglas Adams
"Use the sourceGOODSTUFF" - Princess Leia