This issue has some stuff you can use this week. Like... zexy Asian chicks. Which has nothing to do with the fact that platypuses and dolphins have belly buttons but Barbra Streisand and penguins do not have belly buttons
It's harvest season for non genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Hawaii’s "Babes Against Biotech" flaunt T and A to attack GMOs

Double Trouble Two Asian Beauties

Gargantuan genetically modified melon smuggling
has authorities bamboozled.
However, Those tank top straps were made of genetically modified spider silk which is superior to high-grade steel

F-22 Raptor, finally made its combat debut over Syria
America has brought Its Islamic State Bombing to Social Media
Arab civilization, such as we knew it, is all but gone. The Arab world today is more violent, unstable, fragmented and driven by extremism—the extremism of the rulers and those in opposition
Proof Positive's Best of the Web

Jasmine Tridevil,(actually Alisha Hessler) a massage therapist in Tampa, Florida, claims that she had a third breast implanted to get famous, land a reality show, and become "unattractive to men" because she doesn't "want to date anymore."

A report from Ilust News concerning Alien-Human Hybrids
A Word From our Sponsors
Knock your eyes out at Geraldine Taco's Titty City
A phenomenon in which attempting to suppress information attracts even more unwanted attention, thereby increasing its magnitude of exposure.
#AskDrMann the Streisand effect on steroids
Her name is spelled Barbra Streisand and not Barbara because at the very beginning of her career she was performing at a nightclub and the newspaper asked her how she spelled her name and she said “Just make sure you spell it wrong”.. I think the club had spelled her name wrong on the sign and she rolled with it and that’s how she got her name.
These photos from Italian magazine ABC were published in 1970, when Barbra Streisand was plugging her latest movie The Owl and the Pussycat.

Glenn at Instapundit

PayPal rolled out broader support for Bitcoin, allowing merchants to accept the cryptocurrency as payment for digital goods. The reaction to bitcoin itself has been immediate and positive

Texan Refused License Over Marriage Certificate
Emily Ratajkowski! A View From the Beach's Girl of Summer 2014
Wombat's Rule 5 round up
A bra underwire acts likes a radio antenna and sucks the harmful microwave radiation and basks the boobs in carcinogenic radiation
The Breast of the Best: The Top Jiggle TV Shows of the 1970s
North Korea has responded to a recent report on its human rights record by describing it is a gay plot, adding that gays do not exist in the secretive communist country.
Rights activists say that in a perverse sense there could be said to be a certain truth to the last part of that statement, at least in so far as anyone accused of being gay is always found guilty -- the secret police does not arrest innocent people, North Korea says -- and then shot.
Kim Jong-un Is Missing
Photos of Iceland's Bardarbunga Volcano Erupting
The Location of CO2 Monitoring Stations in regions enriched by volcanic CO2
It's time to criminalise serious scientific misconduct
Real life Rosie (the maid) 1966