The BewitchingVeronica Lake and udder Halloween babes host
the 160th Issue of Goodstuff's Blogging Magazine
Halloween is an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain (pronounced "Sow-en") that marked the end of the harvest in Ireland and Britain.
People thought ghosts, witches and scary people like departed mothers-in-law would drop by their homes for a visit. To keep them away, they would carve faces into potatoes and turnips, place a candle inside and put them in windows.
The Catholic Church, seeing that people were enjoying themselves a bit too much, took over the holiday and named Nov. 1 All Saints Day, and the day before, Oct. 31, became All Hallow's Eve.
The holiday was brought to the U.S. in the 19th century by Irish immigrants.
It didn't take long for people to change All Hallow's Eve to Halloween. The pumpkin replaced the turnip, and kids in rubber Nixon masks replaced the ghosts as scary visitors.

I know winter is coming but we still need to maintain awareness of waterborne hazards

Why don't witches wear panties?

Haunted Attractions and Spook Shows of Yesteryear
They were always pretty seedy, so you never could be quite sure these carnies weren't the kind to really decapitate that girl on the table. And another lure were the young beauties (hired from the local modeling agencies) at the entrance.
How Dali and Halsman made "In Voluptas Mors"
Another amazing Halloween cartoon from the 1930's entitled "Spooks," but this time, instead of Oswald The Lucky Rabbit, the star is Flip The Frog, not to be confused with Flip The Bird, a comic character from the 60's!
How can we do Halloween without a dose of Elvira (the undisputed Queen of Halloween) tricking and treating?
NSFWCassandra PetersonNSFW
Maila Nurmi, aka Vampira the horror hostess
Carolyn Jones doing Morticia Addams

Hollow Weenies
Induces a weird boner
The Halloween Tapair is a subspecies of the Cat Lady species
This costume is used as a disguise when molesting children or animals. Most members of the community see elderly men as kind folk that wet themselves too often, and will agree to leave their children with them.
With Halloween falling just days before a major presidential election every four years, it's little wonder that presidents' masks are often hot sellers.
These photos were taken at the house and on Khao San Road which is the international area of Bangkok
Enter the dark side with Helena Bonham Carter, the Bellatrix Lestrange chick in the Harry Potter flicks.
The Rule 5 management is not responsible for domestic disorders
Doris Day, a Rule 5 review
Hu's Up Next? - Kelly Hu, That's Who
Sorta Blogless Rule 5
There are small boobs, medium boobs, big boobs, and fake boobs. I won’t be reviewing fake boobs other to mention that if they look fake, you paid too much. If they look real, then we’d never know the difference, so good on you.
For those children too young to skank-out, a series of rituals were created to get them out of the house and on the streets, so that older couples could enjoy each other's costumes in "private".
TP Stephen King’s house? There a site called Project TP. The idea is that you can virtually TP your friends houses, famous landmarks, the world really. As Chester says on the site, "Halloween has gone soft, and we're here to take it back." Now, virtual TP sounds lame, sure, but when the concept is hooked up to the mapping prowess of Google Satellite and Street View, it becomes, like most everything Google touches, pretty cool.
Edward Snowden's girlfriend Lindsay Mills who refers to herself on a blog as “a world-travelling, pole-dancing super hero” is now in Moscow
Rule 5 with Edward Snowden’s Girlfriend, Lindsay Mills
NSFW Fred Dude is posting some interesting and obscure Halloween stuff
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