South of the border, down Mexico way.
That's where I fell in love where stars above, came out to play.
And now as I wonder, my thoughts ever stray.
South of the border, down Mexico way.
The spicy Daisy Fuentes and muchos más hot tamales babes host
the 161st Issue of Goodstuff's Blogging Magazine

Daisy Fuentes was the host of America's Funniest Home Videos

Jawa people? They're probably not here, wouldn't surprise me if this was recorded in a galaxy far far away
El Agente 00 Sexy (whole movie)

Amedee Chabot's site
Una plaga de espías
In the late 1960's, in Mexico there were several series of spy movies, unleashed after the first James Bond film
Peligro…! Mujeres en Acción
aka Danger! Women in Action
Here are a bunch of socially irresponsible and politically incorrect products from the 1938 Johnson Smith and Company Catalogue of Surprising Novelties, Puzzles, Tricks, Joke Goods, Useful Articles, Etc.
Hilariously Irresponsible 1930s Novelty Items

Digging Hot Tamales Through the Decades
Tetas Grandes Viernes
I have stumbled upon something never discovered. Using keen observations and a few beers, I have isolated a new gene and have filed for a patent! I’m going to name the Gene – addiction2chillies (A2C)
Jessiann Gravel has a navel
Proof Positive's Women of PETA series
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
Asian Hot Tamales with Double Trouble Two sauce
An Avalanche of Retro Gold
Halloween Ho Down
One of the more improbably durable comics in American popular culture is Zippy, the adventures of Zippy the Pinhead, Bill Griffith’s polkadot muumuu-wearing Ding Dong and who is taco sauce-obsessed pinhead
Monster movie lobby cards
NSFW Fred Petimetre, blogger excepcional
Glenn Reporting the news from America
Bangkok Pundit on hiatus
John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible.
Is there’s a surprisingly strong link between climate change , violence and Baseball
"In a new working paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Stanford researcher Marshall Burke and two colleagues present a meta-analysis -- an evaluation and statistical synthesis of a large body of studies -- of the existing research examining the relationship between climate change and violence. After throwing out a host of studies they consider flawed, Marshall Burke and his colleagues still had 56 left, many of them quite recent."
"There are lies, damned lies and statistics." - Mark Twain
Antiscience Beliefs Jeopardize Democracy?