In this massive photoblog/metablog Claudia Cardinale explains the propaganda concept and the seven key questions (Who, What, Why, When, Where, How, How Much) concerning the Rosetta / Philae mission. Plus, at no extra cost, free tickets to Hell Comes to Frogtown!
Claudia Cardinale was the paradigm of a Mediterranean bombshell, all heavy black eyeliner, big hair and rollercoaster curves
Plenty of Claudia Cardinale stuff
Claudia Cardinale was in the crowd at the Most Beautiful Italian Girl in Tunisia contest, watching all the girls onstage. Suddenly a man took me up there and put the ribbon on me! The prize was a trip to the Venice Film Festival.

Claudia Cardinale was invited for an audience with the Pope Paul VI, for which she chose to wear the tiniest of miniskirts – weeks later the Vatican banned the garment from St Peter’s.
Proof Positive's Vintage Babe is Claudia Cardinale

Claudia Cardinale is a political liberal who has supported feminist causes over the years. She has frequently stated her pride in her Tunisian background and has great roots in Arabic culture. She has been a UNESCO goodwill ambassador for the Defense of Women's Rights since March 2000
A good photo blog of Claudia Cardinale
"I never felt scandal and confession were necessary to be an actress. I've never revealed myself or even my body in films. Mystery is very important." - Claudia Cardinale
Claudia Cardinale in Mocholand
Even more Claudia Cardinale cheesecake
Cheesy Rule 5
A mermaid like NSFWHarriet Geller proves that huge natural boobs float. Moreover, NSFW Harriet Geller doesn't need a pair of water wings.
Does Lucy Pinder's (the nymph) boobs float?
Does Lucy Pinder's (the nymph) boobs float?
Yasmin Bleeth, the American actress best known (at least to guys) as Caroline Holden in Baywatch. They had names; who knew?
Katy Anders (The Girl with the Pierced Nipples) is recovering her best posts from the defunct Multiply platform. It's a great blast from the not so distant past. Here are great examples of her outstanding blogging skills
Its all about the bounce
Blackmailers don't shoot Post-Election Day Rule 5ers
Jennifer Lawrence Planned Wardrobe Malfunction
Starlets End: The Rise and Fall of 5 Actresses of the 1940s -60s
Starlets End: The Rise and Fall of 5 Actresses of the 1940s -60s
Rule 5 with American Power
Ukrainian Artist Modernizes WWII 'Pin-up Girl'
Poster Art Theme for Today's War with Kremlin

Black Panther Stuff : The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas
Five Rules of Propaganda

2) The rule of simplification: reducing all data to a simple confrontation between ‘Good and Bad’, ‘Friend and Foe’.
3) The rule of disfiguration: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
4) The rule of transfusion: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one’s own ends.
5) The rule of unanimity: presenting one’s viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure, and by ‘psychological contagion’.
1960s Thai anti-communist propaganda posters
Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova was hospitalized on Halloween night after she was allegedly attacked outside of her Ukraine home. Valeria Lukyanova denied claims that her wounds were an attempt to hide new plastic surgery. Valeria Lukyanova recently revealed that she hopes to change her image, reporting that she no longer likes her body and that it needs more muscle. She intends to imitate female warriors from Greek mythology or “Amazon” women.
This movie is Mad Max’s poor distant cousin but with frogs. It has a pink van instead of a black V8 Interceptor, and a bulbous-headed Fabio knock-off instead of Mel Gibson. Hell Comes to Frogtown has all essential constituents, I believe for the perfect terrible movie.

So, within the first 10 minutes of Hell Comes to Frogtown, I was convinced that it’s main hero Dude was almost certainly some kind of sex offender. I think it was the way he smiled obnoxiously as his female social warriors freed him from captivity to set him on a mission to impregnate the ‘wild women’ of the wasteland in some kind of half-baked quasi-imperialist fantasy.
Sandahl Bergman doing the Dance of the Three Snakes
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Size of 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko in relation to downtown LA
Sandahl Bergman doing the Dance of the Three Snakes

Size of 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko in relation to downtown LA
Tracking Rosetta spacecraft and the Philae lander on Facebook