This photo blog is about examining (objectifying?) sexy women in combat. Plus bouncing Kate Upton udders ![Free Image Hosting]()
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For centuries women have been involved in combat for a variety of personal and political reasons.
American Amazons: Hiding in Plain-Jane Sight
A North Korean general said on Tuesday that Pyongyang was scrapping the armistice. But the two sides remain technically at war as the civil war did not end with a treaty.
"Since the United States is about to ignite a nuclear war, we will be exercising our right to preemptive nuclear attack against the headquarters of the aggressor in order to protect our supreme interest," the North Korean's foreign ministry spokesman said in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency.
Female soldier, 30, smuggled $1 MILLION during Afghanistan deployment and spent it on plastic surgery and an 18-wheeler
some crazy Cosplay
On Katy Anders's "open thread" blog; I asked...Should lesbians be allowed to fight in wars?
Kathy replied "Seems to me that people ought to be able to serve in whatever capacity they are mentally and physically able.
Me? I probably would not be up to the physical nor the mental requirements. But have you ever SEEN some of those downtown lesbians? They could flip a truck by the bumper... one-handed.
My meritocracy ideas don't seem as popular as you'd think, though."
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Guevara was a 36 years old English teacher, living a normal life of motherhood, until an airstrike hit the family home, and killed her children several months ago, a daughter aged 10 and a son aged seven. From that day on, the war has became personal. As the old loving mother turned into a brand new Guevara, a bad to the bone sniper.
The Truth About Women in Combat
When forming a society, women should always be objectified, even if it must be done by their peers. It's the rule.
Women in the Army (satire)
“Uhura” comes from the Swahili word UHURU meaning “freedom”. ![Free Image Hosting]()
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Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) was pretty much the first ever black main character on American television who was not a maid or a domestic servant in 1966. TV network NBC refused to let Nichelle Nichols be a regular, claiming Deep South affiliates would be angered, so Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry hired her as a “day worker,” but still included her in almost every episode. She actually made more money than any of the other actors through this workaround, and it was kept secret from the other actors, but it was still a humiliating second-class status. The network people made life hard for Nichelle Nichols, constantly trying to pare down her screen time, purposefully dropping racist comments in her presence and even withholding her fan mail from her.
!["knock it off pointy ears. I know this isn't a mind melt"]()
This deplorable state of affairs led Nichelle Nichols to make the decision to quit after the 1st season, but then she happened to meet the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. who pleaded with her to stick with the show because as a Black woman she was portraying the first non-stereotypical role on television.
Seven of Nine (Annika Hansen)
No two snowflakes are alike
Ania (who is not a mail order bride in training)is a normal 22-year-old student with one major distinction – she happens to look exactly like Kate Upton. Ania tweeted out a photo of herself imitating Kate Upton’s cover, a tweet she thought only her friends would see. Hours later, Kate Upton retweeted the image and before long, Ania was the newest internet star.
Sexy Kate Upton Animated (Gifs)even more Kate Upton