Lily Cole is one of those Alien chicks with the mutated MC1R gene ie redheads. Plus udder redheads that have been tracking the Sony Hack stuff

Model Lily ColeTOPLESS in ST. Barts

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reportedly published a post on their “Ocean Facts” newsfeed titled “Conclusive Evidence of the Existence of Aquatic Humanoids.”
World's deepest fish found in Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to see that blaming North Korea is quite convenient for the FBI and the current U.S. administration. It’s the perfect excuse to push through whatever new, strong, cyber-laws they feel are appropriate, safe in the knowledge that an outraged public is fairly likely to support them.
Is the "Sony Hack" a false flag hack by the US to pass more CISPA type legislation?
CISPA stands for Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
What does it do? CISPA would allow for voluntary information sharing between private companies and the government in the event of a cyber attack. If the government detects a cyber attack that might take down Facebook or Google, for example, they could notify those companies. At the same time, Facebook or Google could inform the feds if they notice unusual activity on their networks that might suggest a cyber attack.
All Your Horrywood Are Berong To Us
A good Timeline of the Sony Attack
We can now assume this was not a Sony PR scheme?
Consider this scenario : In the mind of the CEO of a chain of cinemas. Someone has threatened, in effect, to bomb screenings of that particular film. Thus, if anything does happen, the CEO’s corporation—in the bleeding- heart tort system of modern America—will be sued to extinction for negligence. Some plaintiff’s attorney will stand up in front of a suggestible jury and scream: The company management knew the cinema would be bombed! But they showed the movie anyway! They didn't care about human lives!
"We can confirm that North Korea engaged in this attack," Obama
Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton said that he talked to a “senior adviser” about the situation, but NOT Obama himself [1:55]
LYNTON: Um, I would be fibbing to say I wasn't disappointed. I — I, you know, the president and I haven’t spoken. I don’t know exactly whether he understands the sequence of events that led up to the movie’s not being shown in the movie theaters. And, um, therefore, I would disagree with the notion that it was a mistake. It’s a generally held view by the public and the press that that’s what happened and maybe that’s how that view was — was held by — by him.
Sony decides to release "The Interview" after all. Online...
The Interview: A Movie Review
"It defamed the image of our country. It made a mockery of our sovereignty. We reject it," a North Korean diplomat to the United Nations, Kim Song, told The Associated Press. "But there is no relation (to the hacking)."
North Korea's government has been tense as the U.N. Security Council prepares on Monday to discuss Pyongyang's dismal human rights situation for the first time. The meeting caps almost a year of international pressure, sparked by a groundbreaking U.N. inquiry, that has forced Pyongyang to discuss an issue it usually disdains.
I don't think it's that simple. The Sony hacks appear to be a coordinated campaign. A coordinator could hide the source by not having a single source.
The mass media has pointed to several groups that could have of been involved. A high level Sony IT person, a hacker group called Guardians of Peace (GOP), THE North Korean group known as Bureau 121 and God'sApstls, a phrase found in the code of the malware used in the attack.
This Rule 5 special is devoted to Téa Leoni, the American actress who is currently glamorizing Hillary Clinton, by playing the Secretary of State in the new this year TV drama "Madame Secretary".
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Double Trouble Two's Red Head Hotties
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"Maddy Slaughter’s got teeth in her vagina. Teeth in her hooha! Vagina dentata. A full set of chompers, in fact." -- Katy at Fascist Dyke Motors
"No sweetheart - I swear it's a blog by Glenn, a law professor, that I look to for legal insight and political commentary - I swear!"
The Shirk Report where you will find 25 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting.
Mark Zuckerberg, has announced that Facebook will experience a week-long shutdown, due to standard maintenance being performed on the site.
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NSFWFred Dude has posted some great stuff this week
Christmas Is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year to Be a Stripper
NSFWFred Dude has posted some great stuff this week
and where the pranksters are now
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