"I'm very proud of my breasts"Anita Ekberg was quoted as saying "It's not cellular obesity, it's womanliness"
Miss Sweden 1952 Anita Ekberg plays "Miss Earth" in the movie
Funny trailer... worth the click
Abbott and Costello Go to Mars (whole movie)

Anita Ekberg was never especially regarded for her acting skills, and she still managed to pose in several sizzling semi-nude layouts for various men's magazines during the time, including Modern Man, Nugget and Playboy
Anita Ekberg became a 50's pin up and frequently took part in publicity stunts.
As a publicity grabber Anita Ekberg is well out in front of all Hollywood headline hunters, so it was hardly a surprise to her intimates when the sultry Swede made the front pages recently by being involved in a police raid on a torrid Roman ‘orgy.’
NSFW Photos of Anita Ekberg
Goodstuff's Anita Ekberg Photo album
The famous sultry dance by Aniita Ekberg from the film ZARAK
