I am feeling kind of weird using the innocentSally Field to host this magnificent meta / retro / vintage / blog. Ah never mind, let's fidget with Gidget!
Oh No! say it's not so! Gidget fidgets with the digits

GOODSTUFFs photo gallery of Sally Field, the ultimate California girl in 1965
Real-life Gidget, Kathy Kohner
The Great American Picnic of 1948
Sally Field, as Gidget, shows her belly button and her tongue on national TV
The best female surf movies of all time
#BeachBodyReady ads banned in Britain
Big Government Bans ‘Beach Body’ Bikini Ads
Basic Aerodynamics and the Cat and the Buttered Toast Paradox
The fad for beach-themed teen comedies following the success of 1963's BEACH PARTY was intense, but short lived.
No your eyes aren't deceiving you, that's really Sally Field on the cover of Playboy! While she did don the classic bunny attire, she didn't appear nude inside the magazine in 1986.
Take Some Pills for Your Hysteria, Lady
I don't know but I been told,
Friday Nite Tite Dresses!
Big Boob Friday
Proof Positive's weekly best of the web
Short Attention Span Theater
Rule 5 with Erin Heatherton
The contest for the most beautiful legs in a club in Paris, France, 1936
Rule 5 with Erin Heatherton
Abalook, a new blogging friend, doing some Miranda Kerr
Late Night Reprise With Rule 5
compiled by Wombat-socho
Late Night Reprise With Rule 5
compiled by Wombat-socho
This week marks the 5th anniversary of Rodney's blog
Manhattan Infidel is back. After rehab and/or intensive treatment to cure his venereal disease
Miss Double Trouble Two is down and was just released from the hospital on her own recognizance. She will be back soon
DRB Feel Good Issue #30
Babes on rockets– it’s the perfect symbol of the American Dream
Some Kind of Photo Shoot

The official title of the USA PATRIOT Act is "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001."
The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere…
When you should buy a lottery ticket
Interesting Photos of Swimwear Styles in the Victorian Era
Jaquet Droz “The Writer” Automata: Awesome Antique Android
Some Fine Legacy with Katy Anders
Expats thoughts about Vietnam
This is so cool - We Finally Know Something About What The Shadowy X-37B Will Do In Orbit