Enough fun to kill boredom for the rest of your half life!
This humor book is certainly a product of the time. I was of the generation that hid under school desks in order to avoid The Bomb. This cracks me up. After you survive the atomic bomb, you can get all your post nuclear holocaust activities and fun in this one book
A whopping payload of radioactivities
Have megatons of fun!
Check out question #3
Mom's boobs...
OH NO!, Mom has nipples and you're violating the Community Rules, because you know, nipples are a secret thing
On top of my reading list...
Nukes of Hazard and From Russia with Love
ICBM Laxative - A powerful, fast acting arsenal that wipes out hard targets
First Strike Junior Tampon with a clever "Cruise Missle" inserter
Hat Tip - Paul Sorene at Flashbak
This is a remarkably uninformed article about what effect a huge nuclear war would have upon the human race. The author seems to think that the radiation would create a race of bald, big brained super humans (Homo Superior) with no wisdom teeth and only four toes on each foot.
Depending on the number and disposition of these new super humans they would either...
a) kill all the normal humans
b) be killed by all the normal humans
d) co-operate with humans and help them
Of course this all relies on the well known evolutionary behaviour of synchronized mass-mutation, where by large numbers of a species spontaneously develop the exact same set of beneficial mutations (NSFW).