Jarah Mariano's tan lines lead this awesome rule 5 metablog that supports science and science fiction!
20 photos/gifs of Jarah Mariano with trivia

I'm a sucker for Jarah Mariano's belly button and tan lines

Jarah Mariano tarts it up
An assortment of scanned images from magazines and newspapers of those bygone decades, shared around the internet on various blogs over time
Pictures of Circus Girls: Florida State University in 1952
Sexy Arcade Game Ads from the 1970s and 1980s
Colorful Pictures of Computing in the 1970s and 1980s

Best of the Web, this week

Rule 5 - I Spy Annet Mahendru
Lets go back into cinematic history to ask whether Fritz Lang invented the video phone in 1927’s Metropolis.
Photos of Vintage NASA Wind Tunnels
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere?

Proof Positive's Friday Night Babe is Yanet Garcia!
Big Boob Friday
BeCos(play) It's Friday
NSFW Fred Dude has posted some extra good shit this week
Glenn Dude has posted some good stuff you can use
Paying the "Cat Tax"
Suntory is sending whiskey into orbit
Robotic Spacecraft Posters
Life's Building Blocks Found on a Comet:
Philae Lander Reveals New Surprises
NASA's Curiosity Rover Inspects Unusual Bedrock
Price: $690,000 – $1,200,000
One of four copies of the international version of this poster believed to exist, advertising Fritz Lang’s influential science fiction film about a highly stylized futuristic city where a beautiful and cultured utopia exists above a bleak underworld populated by mistreated workers, was auctioned by the United States Bankruptcy Court in 2012. Of the remaining three examples of this, the “crown jewel of the poster world”, only one is in private hands (anonymously held, though popularly believed to be Leonardo DiCaprio), the other two residing in the United States Museum of Modern Art and the Austrian National Library.
Recovered 1927 Metropolis Film Program Goes Behind the Scenes
Recovered 1927 Metropolis Film Program Goes Behind the Scenes