The impressive Valerie Perrine leads this huge vintage, retro, metablog! With uddles of goodstuff, for your surfing enjoyment
Valerie Perrine went from Vegas showgirl to Hollywood star
Valerie Perrine [on doing topless scenes in films] - "I don't think it's terrible. I'll do anything if it's a good part. The only thing that freaks me out is total nudity. I'm fine as long as I can keep my G-string on, but without my G-string I get nervous."
GOODSTUFFs Valerie Perrine photo gallery with some trivia
I like this photo of Valerie Perrine

Valerie Perrine doing a striptease burlesque style
Vintage Babe of the Week is Valerie Perrine
Big Boob Friday™
NSFW Fred Dude has posted a boatload of OUTSTANDING stuff this week
NSFW Femme Fatale....
Sexy blonds hosted by Double Trouble Two
Model Spotlight: Ashley Salazar
Plenty of sexy GIFs
Prophetess Sissy Spews Anointment
The best links that Proof Positive Dude seen last week
Rule 5 compiled by Wombat-socho
The new issue of Dark Roasted Blend's "Feel-Good" series
A bunch of HOT animations of Megan Fox
Lovely Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight Attendants from the 1960s and 1970s
Rule 5 - Katia Winter
Photographs dated around 1890 of popular burlesque performers in their heyday. What you notice immediately is how different they look from today’s standards of exotic dancers.
GOODSTUFFs Samantha Hoopes gallery
Did the Russian spy Anna Chapman seduce Edward Snowden with her new D-coders boobs, for the encryption codes?
Sunday Times Report: Russia and China Have Cracked Edward Snowden’s Cache of Secret Docs
The Sunday Times Edward Snowden Story is Journalism at its Worst — and Filled with Falsehoods
From the Minister of Misinformation, in future all media citations must fit within strictly defined classifications: unnamed, well-placed, unnamed well-placed, official, unofficial, official unnamed, official well-placed, reliable, unnamed reliable, well-placed reliable, and official unnamed well-placed.
The Hacking of Federal Data Is Much Worse Than First Thought
Why Is No One Angry About The OPM Hack And Data Breach?
International Cyber Attacks Redefine Warfare
Bill Maher's take on our surveillance nation from last night's New Rules is spot on.
Helly Luv's blend of bang and bling has made her the most popular cheerleader for the Iraqi Kurds' war against jihadists.
As author H.G. Wells put it, "England is no longer, from a military point of view, an inaccessible island." It was as if that single flight had suddenly redrawn the map of the world.
Drill baby Drill
What's next for Philae's scientific mission?
Rodney Dude doing space stuff
Buy your talking sex robot for only $4,995 - - - Operators are standing by
From the original tinfoil jumpsuits of NASA’s early days to the bulky Buzz Lightyear suits of today, check out all the different designs in this illustrated history of the modern spacesuit.
Pornhub crowdfunds 'Sexploration' space porno
Remember Rachel Dolezal, The white woman claiming to be black?

The sexual stereotype of women in the colonies was also actively used in propaganda campaigns to lure European men to the colonies for work, or to make them enlist in the navy or colonial armies. Shocking in their degrading stereotypical imagery and accompanying messages, many of these postcards practically prostituted native women as a form of colonial propaganda.