Red hair and cosplay go together like science and science fiction
BeCos(play) It's Friday

GOODSTUFF's humongous cosplay photo collection

Sure everyone wants some sense of privacy and you expect that what you do in your own home should not be in the hands of others without your knowledge or approval, but that is NO longer reasonable or true. You have not only lost ANY privacy but your data travels the globe even to other countries, they know you but you don’t know them.
You may be doing anything in a private manner, so you think, but there are in fact others that are nothing more than peeping Toms who are capturing everything you do, whether it is acceptable, explicit, or just plain personal. This is all done without you being aware, much less with your permission.
President George W. Bush sought to retroactively authorize portions of the National Security Agency’s post-9/11 surveillance and data collection program after a now-famous incident in 2004 in which his attorney general refused to certify the program as lawful from his hospital bed, according to newly declassified portions of a government investigation
Cosplay 1902 Style

Underwater Pinups
An Underwater Wedding in the 1950s
Underwater Art Gallery by Andreas Franke
Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954) Full Movie
Great Episodes of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
It's been raining everyday this week
Frank R. Paul's illustrations show 1940s semi-scientific predictions of how our galaxy could be populated by “men” from our celestial neighbors, along with the surreal cities they lived in.
NASA to Update Message to Aliens [satire]
Edward Snowden, who used to be a contractor for the NSA before he became famous for leaking some of its practices, worries that we might currently be deaf to alien communication.
Vintage Photos of Natalie Wood from the late 1950s to 1960s
James Bond Chick Plenty O’Toole (Lana Wood)
has some huge areola mammae
James Bond Chick Plenty O’Toole (Lana Wood)
has some huge areola mammae
Peak a Boo (BooBs)
Big Boob Friday
Rule 5 - A Real Gem - Bijou Phillips
Rule 5 - Yuja Wang
"Even though I know I shouldn’t, I’ve started to worry about what my next girlfriend is going to like about me" - Katy at Fascist Dyke Motors
The commies are coming! The commies are coming!... to Canada?
Some advertisements taken from a Canadian magazine - 1955.
The full story of the Tijuana Bibles
A brief history of relationship between the United States and Cuba, from the Spanish-American War through the recent reestablishment of diplomatic relations, as told in pictures.
Things I Found on the Internet
Link Latte 236
Rodney Dude's Space
There will be a spectacular total lunar eclipse on the night of September 27/28. The lunar eclipse will be visible from the Americas, Europe and Africa. Here is some general info about lunar eclipses, followed by specific information, including on timing, for this lunar eclipse.
The topography of Pluto
Rule 5 : Monkey Boy Don’t Care
Proof Positive's Best of the Web
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere?
It's all ways fun at NSFWFred Dude's site