This monumental double issue metablog features the gun smoking Miss Kitty (Amanda Blake) and the chick from U.N.C.L.E. (Stefanie Powers). Plus at no extra cost, a whole passel of nerdy stuff!
Back in the day, I lost my innocent while watching Gunsmoke. Well, OK, it was a mainstream TV series, But I remember Miss Kitty, the “salon owner” (aka bordello madam).
I wanted to be like the U. S. Marshal, Matt Dillon, because he got to shot bad guys and drink whiskey with Miss kitty's cleavage.
Who could forget Miss Kitty, the sexy proprietress of the Long Branch Saloon (brothel), With her flaming red hair, big blue eyes, and low throaty voice. Miss Kitty (Amanda Blake) was the dream of every young cowboy in Little Syria, New York City.
Who could forget Miss Kitty, the sexy proprietress of the Long Branch Saloon (brothel), With her flaming red hair, big blue eyes, and low throaty voice. Miss Kitty (Amanda Blake) was the dream of every young cowboy in Little Syria, New York City.
But Amanda Blake told interviewer David Frost in 1973 that the morals of the show changed over the years: She wore less revealing costumes and the painted ladies-cowboy interactions pretty much disappeared.
"We always thought [that the idea of Kitty running a brothel] was interesting and very realistic and very adult. We used to show girls going up and down the stairs with cowboys… but that changed."
"We never say it but Miss Kitty is a prostitute, plain and simple," a "Gunsmoke" producer told Time magazine in 1961.

An outraged Miss Kitty strikes another shifty female across the face and says "Don't you try buckin' me, honey. As tough as you think you are, I'm a lot tougher. You're right. He IS my man. And I'll do anything to keep him alive, even to killing the likes of you."
Festus, your guide: NSFWFred's Place was founded by prostitutes in 1849, and serviced by prostitute express riders who could bring in a fresh prostitute from Internet City in three days; Fred's Place quickly became known as a place where a trail hand could spend a month's pay in three minutes.
Homer Simpson: Three minutes! [whistles]
Marge Simpson: I never realized history was so filthy!
Festus, your guide: First on our tour is the whore house; then we'll visit the cathouse, the brothel, the bordello, and finally the old mission.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration today launched its long-expected drone registration program. Starting December 21, owners in the U.S. will have to register their drones with the government
The Zumwalt is a $4 billion dollar stealth destroyer that is now out on sea trials.

Zumwalt is to be a test-bed for one of the Navy’s most futuristic weapons, an electromagnetic rail gun under development by the Office of Naval Research. It uses electromagnetic pulses to launch projectiles at Mach 7, or seven times the speed of sound, at targets up to 110 miles away. It is commanded by Navy Capt. James Kirk, who shares his name with the famous Star Trek captain.
The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. stars Stefanie Powers as agent
April Dancer

This is groovy stuff man..Stephanie Powers and good ol rock and roll
Models of the Mars rovers, compared in size to each other, and their human creators. The Mars Pathfinder Project (front) landed the first Mars rover – Sojourner – in 1997. The Mars Exploration Rover Project (left) landed Spirit and Opportunity on Mars in 2004. Curiosity, star of The Mars Science Laboratory Project, is the largest. It reached Mars in 2012.
Lunar Excursion Vehicle Landing Tests 1962 - NASA
OSIRIS view of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko on December 11, 2015
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured this incredible view of Saturn moons, Enceladus and Tethys, in perfect alignment with the planet’s rings.
The science links
A new study "suggest" this global warming thing is due to hot women and BIG hair. The recent data has shown that the ozone layer isn't to blame for global warming trends, and scientists are looking in a new direction - at HOT women.
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday.
Are your holiday sprints waning due to your carbon foot print? Are you looking for that prefect Christmas gift for all your blogging friends?

BeCos(play) It's Friday
Tonight's Friday Night Babe is Milana Vayntrub
Muscle Head is Just Goofin With Gifs
MIN's Friday Girl: Mariel Gold
Big Boob Friday
Who is Sarah Jean Underwood?
The Force Awakens For Slave Leia
Sultress - Olga Kurylenko
Here's the dossier on Bob Fleming 077, A groovy Eurospy escapade from the swingin' 60's, featuring spies, gadgets and a bevy of femme fatales. (easily worth the down load time!)
James Bond Trivia
James Bond Trivia
Little Surfer Girl - Anastasia Ashley
Rule 5 - Farewell To The Slave Princess
Proof Positive's Best of the Web
Some cool stuff at Rodney's Space
Things I Found on the Internet Today
Vintage Babe of the Week is Janis Paige