This super-colossal meta blog features young Cher with a good bit of retro / vintage history. And, plenty of Rule 5 stuff
Throughout the ’70s, Cher made waves with her wardrobe choices, and her insistence on wearing navel-baring outfits on TV rankled conservative viewers.

"The first time I met David Letterman, I called him an asshole on the air."Cher (3:30)
Cher has a black orchid tattooed on her junk. I was not aware of this seductive and mysterious ink before. No chance of me overlooking this amazing fact ever again.
In contrast...
Teresa Teng, the Iconic Asian Singer – Photos of this Taiwanese Diva in the 1970s
Israel, The British And Palestine 1920-1948: The Story In Photos
Nasreen Iqbal's bucket list
Fighting And Farming The Negev: 1937-1954
FOR the past half-century, the world economy has been held hostage by just one country: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Vast petroleum reserves and untapped production allowed the kingdom to play an outsize role as swing producer, filling or draining the global system at will.
This post is dino-mite. clever idea
Former US anti-terror chief tears into FBI over iPhone unlocking case. They'd just send it to the NSA if they really wanted access, says Clarke
"According to the government, short of kidnapping or breaking an express law, the courts can order private parties to do virtually anything the Justice Department and FBI can dream up,''Apple lawyers argued in new court documents. "The Founders would be appalled.''
Here’s the Full Transcript of TIME’s Interview With Apple CEO Tim Cook (good read)
Electro-Magnetic Gun of the Future, 1915

Text-To-Speech In 1846 Involved A Talking Robotic Head
Dial Up... back in the day
Byte magazine was a microcomputer magazine, influential in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s
Many of the following links are to pics of (mostly) attractive women in few or no clothes, much like Cher's album covers. The management is not responsible for wow, flutter, distortion, failure to drop the bass, feedback, or other equipment and personnel problems stemming from your failure to exercise discretion in the clicking. - Wombat, the Rule 5 Dude
This week's Rule 5 Special features Hailey Clauson
Bouncing Sabrina Salern and Samantha Fox
Seeing Red for St. Patrick's
Friday Babe – Bryiana Noelle
University Of Sydney’s Veterinary Students Strip Off For Saucy Nude Calendar, Again
A report from Ilust News concerning
Rule 5 with the Vulgar Curmudgeon
Sultress - Audrey Aleen Allen
Rule 5 – Claudia Schiffer
Some Double Trouble Two
"The best posts I have seen this week" - Proof Positive Dude
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere?
Keeping up with current affairs with Glenn Dude
Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. CLXXX)
Rodney's far out space
NSFW Fred Dude, the patron saint of blogging