Morena Baccarin did not cause this week to go topsy turvy... I suspect someone left the Stargate open
A big slice of Morena Baccarin cheesecake
Sultry Sci-Fi Chick Morena Baccarin
GOODSTUFFs Morena Baccarin photo album
Morena Baccarin appreciation thread
"I was shocked and a little appalled because I realized President Obama has seen my boobs!" - Morena Baccarin
1955 Map Shows No-Go Zones for Soviet Travelers in the U.S.
This map shows where Soviet citizens, who were required to have a detailed itinerary approved before obtaining a visa, could and could not go during their time in the United States. Most ports, coastlines, and weapons facilities were off-limits, as were industrial centers and several cities in the Jim Crow South.
These restrictions mirrored Soviet constraints on American travel to the USSR. Both the United States and the Soviet Union had closely controlled the movement of all foreign visitors since World War II. A 1952 law in the U.S. barred the admission of all Communists, and therefore of Soviet citizens.
The Soviets’ decision to relax their controls after Joseph Stalin’s death in March 1953 left the U.S. open to charges that it, not the USSR, was operating behind an Iron Curtain. President Eisenhower and his foreign policy advisers decided to mimic Soviet policy as closely as possible: As of early 1955, citizens of either nation could enter approximately 70 percent of the other’s territory, including 70 percent of cities with populations greater than 100,000.
Travel restrictions on Soviet private citizens stayed in place, enforced by the Departments of State and Justice, until the Kennedy administration unilaterally lifted them in 1962 as a symbol of the openness of American society. Controls on visits from journalists and government officials, by contrast, lingered until the end of the Cold War.
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Juno's science objectives |
NASA's Juno spacecraft lost its main computer and science instruments shortly before it was due to make an orbital pass near Jupiter on Wednesday, scuttling highly anticipated close-up observations of the largest planet in the solar system.
The U.S. space agency said the glitch followed an unrelated problem last week that prompted it to skip firing Juno’s braking engine, to steer the probe into a tighter regular orbit around Jupiter.
Juno's computer restarted after Wednesday's shutdown and the spacecraft was "healthy," NASA said in a statement.
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LOOK MOM! We found more "Dark Matter" |
A surprising conclusion that in order for the numbers of galaxies we now see and their masses to add up, there must be a further 90 percent of galaxies in the observable universe that are too faint and too far away to be seen with present-day telescopes.
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Huge photo of a sunset on Pluto |
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Joyce Myron...what happened to her? see the comments |
This photo blog is about examining (objectifying?) sexy women in combat.
After 20 years of negotiation the first Soviet McDonalds opened its doors. 1000 people were expected to show up at the grand opening. 30,000 actually turned out.
Schrödinger’s cat there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious
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Unlike her character in Carrie, Sissy Spacek was quite popular. In 1968, she was voted Homecoming Queen by her classmates at Quitman High School in Quitman, Texas. |
The following Rule 5 links, for the most part, are generally described as Not Safe For Work. The chargé d'affaires is not responsible for whatever horrible fates befall you should you be indiscreet with your clicking.
Fred Dude's Friday Babes
Big Boob Friday with Sarah Rafferty
Friday Night Babe is Daisy Lea
Friday Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale Friday: Anna Kendrick
Rule 5 with Ron Russell
Thoughtful Rule 5 - Random
BeCos(play) It's Friday
Girls of the Redheaded Rebellion
The glory of Ann Margret
Bad Girl Crush - Hedy Lamarr
Rule 5 - A Disney Princess,
Vintage Babe of the Week is Sigourney Weaver
Flowing Curves Of Beauty
LOL - Megan Mullally
Double Trouble Two
"The best posts I have seen this week" - Proof Positive Dude
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere
Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. CCXI)
Rodney's far out space
Folio Olio the Pastafarian
NSFW Fred Dude the King of blogging