It's a Bunga Bunga party! With Kate Upton, Lolo Jones (and assorted virgins), J. Edgar Hoover, Kelly Brook, Edward Snowden, Silvio Berlusconi and the alphabet soup!
I would be happy to pay a tax to see Kate Upton
do a Lady Godiva thing
Remember that video TMZ had up for a couple days of a topless but censored Kate Upton on a horse doing a photo shoot? Well, good news. There are some very smart and/or crafty perverts out there.
Grain of salt time. These photos could be a really fantastic digital boob jobs. In any case, check out the horse riding Kate Upton NSFW HQ photo here along with a Kate Upton NSFW gif here
Lolo Jones,the thirty year old virgin
is having problems with her rent

Lolo Jones, the thirty year old virgin, has received far greater publicity than any other American track and field athlete. This was based not on achievement but on her exotic beauty and on a cynical marketing campaign. Essentially, Lolo Jones has decided she will be whatever anyone wants Lolo Jones to be — victim, vixen, virgin

During winter, when the tides are extremely low, local Inuit sometimes climb beneath the shifting sea ice to gather mussels. They break holes in the ice and then can walk for a short time on the exposed seabed and collect this food. This risky way of gathering the mussels goes back for generations

These Would Make Perfect Pillows
The history of NSA spying, from telegrams to emails
How Glenn Greenwald Became Glenn Greenwald
The Titan supercomputer he fastest supercomputer in the world (November 2012). Titan, a Cray XK7 supercomputer, is capable of more than 27,000 trillion calculations each second—or 27 petaflops.
Hours Before His Death, Michael Hastings Sent This Email Saying He Was Being Investigated By The FBI
Courtney Ryley Cooper was born in Kansas City and joined the circus at sixteen. It wasn't long before he was the press agent for the remains of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show and began a journalistic career. But it was sleazy expose type crud which buttered his bread. He hooked up with J. Edgar Hoover who let him sneak into the files for his tales.
A year after the original edition of Designs in Scarlet came out, Courtney Ryley Cooper hung himself in a hotel in New York City leaving nothing behind but a note asking his hotel bill be paid.
However Rumors developed. Courtney Ryley Cooper was investigating German spies in Mexico. There is suppressed correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover. There is also an insane, rambling bizarre letter from Hoover to Mrs. Courtney Ryley Cooper
The government has filed sealed criminal charges against former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who admitted leaking secrets about classified U.S. surveillance programs
Edward Snowden Charged For NSA Document Leak,
According To Reports Obtained Through Leaks
Here’s How Edward Snowden Got ‘Top Secret’ Clearance
Edward Snowden Has Left Hong Kong For Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow
Edward Snowden on IRC chat - In 2009, Edward Snowden said leakers “should be shot.”
Documents Illuminate Ecuador’s Spying Practices
Google challenges U.S. gag order
Facebook Shadow Profile Data
What happens when you deactivate your Facebook account?
This is not an Obama thing. It’s A photoblog of strange black and white photos. If you are looking for a retro fix, this is the album is for you.

OK! NSFW I don't know the reason but here is some real weird people riding bicycles naked! NSFW
Kelly Brook (NSFW) and her funbags o' plenty are just magnificent displays of passion inducing mammaries.
It took 20 months, 32 witnesses, and more than 50 hearings to convict Silvio Berlusconi of paying an underage belly dancer known as Ruby the Heart Stealer for sex. A Milan court on Monday convicted former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi of paying for sex with an underage prostitute during infamous "bunga bunga" parties at his villa and then using his influence to try to cover it up.
Silvio Berlusconi and his women (mouse over)

Elena Russo, another of Silvio Berlusconi's "little butterflies."