Hannah Minx explores Sydney Leathers and weird tattoo Weiners are from Mars. Also, Curiosity sings happy birthday to Monica Lewinsky, Edward Snowden and the alphabet soup
Hannah "Minxy" Minx (Hannah Wagner) grew up in Philadelphia and ate a lot of Philly cream cheese bagels. The fat from these tasty treats went straight to her bodacious double D boobs.

Some of 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic gold medals will have bits of the Russian meteorite in them. A medal containing a piece of something that came from space. How cool is that? The lucky space gold will be given to athletes who win an event on February 15, 2014 (the one year anniversary of the meteor that hit Chelyabinsk). The events that qualify will be the men's 1500 meter speed skating, the women's 1000m and men's 1500 short track, the women's cross-country skiing relay, the men's K-125 ski jump, the women's super giant slalom and men's skeleton events.
Asteroids That Could Potentially End The World
Dramatic Intersections Of Politics And The Olympics
George Takei Takes Sides In Sochi Debate:
“Move The Olympics”
One scary bitch from Fritz
L0L - "this one doesn't count"
Phobos and Deimos from Curiosity
What an amazing photo, captured by Curiosity from the surface of Mars, August 1, 2013. It is unmistakably Phobos. And take my word for it when I tell you that the other bright blob is Deimos. Curiosity caught them both in one shot!
Curiosity got video. Video! Here's an animation of those thumbnails that should whet your appetite for what will be coming once the data finally squeeze through the pipeline to Earth. Deimos is almost lost in the JPEG compression artifacts, but you can see it at the center, and watch Phobos actually cross right in front of it.
Curiosity Sang Happy Birthday To Itself On Mars
Sydney Leathers poses provocatively
Sydney Leathers reveals her ten secrets for seducing a politician
Penis Size, State By State
Sydney Leathers reveals her ten secrets for seducing a politician
Penis Size, State By State
The Meaning behind Various Prison Tattoos
(mouse over stuff)

Although much of maritime tattooing took place on board ship, sailor to sailor– the craze spawned an industry of tattoo parlors in port cities in Britain and the United States, and indeed, around the world. Many of the proprietors of early tattoo shops were sailors who had come ashore. Famed British tattoo artist George Burchett learned his craft with an early stint in the service. By the end of the 19th century, it was estimated that ninety percent of British and American sailors had tattoos, according to some sources.

Why You Should Be Careful When Choosing
Kate Upton got a tattoo of a cross on her finger so she could always show her devotion to God and crescent tattoo on her outer left wrist.
This web site helps you generate the letters you need to send to the FBI to get a copy of your own FBI file.
FBI Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects
With a handful of plastic boxes and over-the-counter sensors, including Wi-Fi adapters and a USB hub, Brendan O’Connor, a security researcher, was able to monitor all the wireless traffic emitted by nearby wireless devices
Edward Snowden a friend or foe?
Wikipedia fight takes both sides
Lavabit, email service Edward Snowden reportedly used, abruptly shuts down
Crowdsource, the end of privacy!
Other Agencies Clamor for Data N.S.A. Compiles
NSA Data Collection Only For National Security
Al Qaeda Conference Call Intercepted by U.S. Officials
Sparked Alerts
Communications between al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri (do something) in Pakistan and his deputy in Yemen led the U.S. government to tighten security and shutdown diplomatic posts.
The suspicious leaks behind the terrorism alert
The fog of war (timeline)
Three terrorists from Al-Qaeda, in Yemen
everybody should know
With a handful of plastic boxes and over-the-counter sensors, including Wi-Fi adapters and a USB hub, Brendan O’Connor, a security researcher, was able to monitor all the wireless traffic emitted by nearby wireless devices
Edward Snowden a friend or foe?
Wikipedia fight takes both sides
Lavabit, email service Edward Snowden reportedly used, abruptly shuts down
Other Agencies Clamor for Data N.S.A. Compiles
NSA Data Collection Only For National Security
Al Qaeda Conference Call Intercepted by U.S. Officials
Sparked Alerts
Communications between al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri (do something) in Pakistan and his deputy in Yemen led the U.S. government to tighten security and shutdown diplomatic posts.
The suspicious leaks behind the terrorism alert
The fog of war (timeline)
In GOODSTUFF's opinion - I can't help but think there many "prism" type data bases operating on many different levels. Also the fog of war concept, from the Minister of Misinformation, in the future all media citations must fit within strictly defined classifications: unnamed, well-placed, unnamed well-placed, unofficial, official unnamed, unnamed reliable, well-placed reliable, and official unnamed well-placed
Three terrorists from Al-Qaeda, in Yemen
everybody should know
unconfirmed - NCIS Ziva David Replacement Revealed
The Grassy Knoll Institute reveals (credible?) information and scene stills of Caitlin O’Connor as the new replacement of Cote de Pablo who played Ziva David.
Caitlin O'Connor used to be Katie Carroll (NSFW3). And why was Ms. O'Connor using an alias? Well....like nearly all so-called 'non-nude' models...