A Sherlyn Chopra photo that's NSFW, for your morning coffee
"Sexual Jihad" In Syria
Burka Girls Gone Wild
The Civil War: Sex and Soldiers

Strippers going on Strike? (Video)

Pre-release publicity for Brian De Palma’s Dressed to Kill admitted that a nude stand-in had been used for Angie Dickinson’s steamy shower scene opener. Two weeks before the film reached theaters, sub-distributor re-released the 1974 drive-in hit Big Bad Mama with the promise that audiences would “see all of Angie Dickinson.” Sleazy for sure, but no one could accuse him of false advertising!
The Rolling Stones - Angie
If somebody (Hacker) is willing to go through all of this to break into your phone, chances are you have bigger issues than fingerprint security.
A One-Off ‘Simpsons’ Joke Helped Design The iPhone
Christine O'Donnell's 90's MTV Anti-Masturbation Campaign
A great read!
What Teenage Girls Were Taught About Masturbation In 1918
Here’s a chapter of the book titled, uh, “Solitary Vice”
Resisting The Urge: A Guide For Christian Boys
Donald Duck orgasm and Womens Toys

"Thou shall covet Anne Baxter's boobs!"
The Sinful Proof Dude

I want to grow up and be Joanna Krupa's puppy
Check out Joanna Krupa's puppies (NSFW)