There was once a time where Sarah Palin (La Diva Loca) was the queen of the news. Any story written about her went viral. But a series of gaffes, embarrassing blunders, and general media whore-ness caused Sarah Palin to fall from grace.
Megyn Kelly asking her to comment on President Obama's suggestion that the government shutdown had hurt American credibility in the world. Sarah Palin then wander into La La Land...
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Sarah Palin: I think that remark is one of his more out of touch remarks that we've heard in recent days. No. What emboldened our enemies and what empowered our competitors was his promise to fundamentally transform America from being a solvent, free, exceptional country into something we're not gonna recognize. Also, what has emboldened enemies is that he with doubling of our debt since he's been elected, putting us on a path towards bankruptcy, and then locking up pipelines and resources that will result in ![]()
us being more reliant on foreign imports for energy, and then of course he, having left behind, his administration having left behind our brave men in Benghazi to be murdered, and then of course there's Syria, where he promised to bomb Syria because in that civil war, Syria was going to bomb Syria, and then we never heard another word again about his threat to bomb in a foreign civil war, and then of course, most recently, Megan he, uh, using our military, those who would fight against our enemies. Our military. Our vets. Shutting down their memorials. And holding them hostage in terms of budget deals. Uh, threatening to withhold paychecks for our brave men and women. As for economic...
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Uncensored sex tape of Sarah Palin and her husband Todd. Never before seen footage of Sarah Palin's most intimate moment.
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Under First Amendment, Judge Rules
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Plus, who can forget "Who's Nailin' Paylin," the Sarah Palin porn movie from Hustler.
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OK Folks - don't beat me too hard ...