Olivia Black (BelladonnaNSFW) was once a nude model, and then a "Pawn Star,". Olivia Black was recently fired from The History channel's reality series Pawn Stars only days after a topless photograph from the soft core pornographic website Suicidegirls was posted by the National Enquirer.
Olivia Black has since gone back to working as a nude model
A porn star is born? Olivia Black has her own Youtube channel. Where she post flicks of herself

Olivia Black also claims that she received a call from Rick Harrison and he told her that she didn't lose her job in the store, only the show.

Most Asked Photography Questions About Las Vegas and Photo Shoot with Olivia Black

Privacy Timeline - It is also imperative to recognize, or accept, that technology is never a static phenomenon. New technologies undermine the individual right because they facilitate to collect, store, process and combine personal data for the use of security agencies but also of businesses.
Compute your personal data worth
The reactions, once people get a better grasp on what exactly is going on, are often (and understandably) emotional. Personal information turned into salable data is, after all, about as intimate as it gets when one considers ostensibly private and/or secret preferences and behaviors being scrutinized, tracked and ultimately sold.
When you're putting so much information online where anyone can see it, how upset can you be when the public sees it? But what if "the public" is law enforcement, and their idea of fair use is uploading all your pictures into a vast database used to identify persons of interest in crimes?
This week, Thailand’s Amnesty Bill has sparked protests
Time has an article with the headline “Thailand’s Amnesty Bill Unites Political Foes Against Government”, but just below is the sub-heading ” The red shirts and the yellow shirts are agreeing on something for once—and that is, that neither side wants to forgive the other”.
This week, Thailand’s Amnesty Bill has sparked protests
Time has an article with the headline “Thailand’s Amnesty Bill Unites Political Foes Against Government”, but just below is the sub-heading ” The red shirts and the yellow shirts are agreeing on something for once—and that is, that neither side wants to forgive the other”.
Social Media Vigilantes I.D. Vancouver Rioters
(Great way to build an anti-government database)
FBI Seeks video recognition technology to
automatically ID suspects
"Men don't want to look at naked men" - JBS Underwear
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Plamph - One who seeks sexual pleasure by sniffing a lady's undergarments. ![Free Image Hosting]()
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Women like it when men do manly chores around the house. Indeed, guys are less likely to get laid if they do lady chores like washing the dishes.
Underwear fetishism is a sexual fetishism relating to undergarments
FBI Seeks video recognition technology to
automatically ID suspects

Edward Snowden made an appeal for U.S. clemency in a letter. In it, Edward Snowden asked for international help to persuade America to drop felony spying charges against him. The White House and the heads of the intelligence committees in Congress are rejecting Edward Snowden's plea for clemency
The Unbearable Narcissism of Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden's Life Is Dictated by Russian Intelligence
Edward Snowden's Life Is Dictated by Russian Intelligence

An oil field in the Minhla township of the Magwe,Myanmar
GOODSTUFF does Settwe, Myanmar
How To Make A GIF Without Photoshop
The Black Sheep Dude has an Outstanding Bikini Thread

History of Hula Hooping

Ziegfeld Hula HoopNudes
Kate Upton many talents include doing a hula hoop thing
Kate Upton and body paint
NSFWFred Dude has posted some goodstuff this week
Partial Solar Eclipse
Total Solar Eclipse
(03 NOV 13)
Olympic torch blasts into space for first spacewalk
The 1970S Dream of Space Colonies with Ten Thousand People
Building a Utopia