This issue is all about dealing with Black Friday without hordes and violence. If you suffer with Enochlophobia (fear of crowds) or if you just don't like shopping, this blog is for you!
This Black Friday I will not be asking for money or bitcoins, just trading links that are creative blogging gifts. At no extra cost, I have included some free eye candy
BTW - NSFW Fred has a great ad-free blog
This is not an online shopper.
Black Friday Warriors Share Their Best Attack Plans
However, if you plan on shopping online this year, I highly recommend shopping from Glenn's site (Instant Pundit). You would be helping a fellow blogger support his endeavors and his family
FREE Carbon Offset Credits
GOODSTUFF’S Carbon Offset Marketplace and Exchange

It's that twisted advertising season.
And now a word from our sponsors...
"once you have one, you'll never stop playing with it!"

Home made exercise videos are all ways a big hit,
just ask Candy Barr
"My contribution to the billion dollar weight and fitness industry, and it took one paragraph. Not only that, I'm giving it away!" - Dull Tool Dim Bulb
Disco Turkey who sang "I Will Survive"
At first I was an egg, I was petrified,
kept thinking I'd be lost or I'd get cracked and fried.
But you took me to your nest before it was too late and kept me warm, and you helped me incubate.
And now you're back, think you're the boss!
Wanna putt me on a plate next to your wife's cranberry sauce!
I should of known this day would come,
I should of known not to relax.
If I thought for just one second you'd come in here with an axe! Go now go! walk out the door! Just turn around now!
ain't choppin' my head to the floor!
Aren't you the one who prized the dark meat on my thighs?
Oh no not I! I will survive!
Oh as long as I know how to peck I know I'll stay alive!
I got my wings so I won't fall,
ain't sellin' me to Butterball.
I will survive! I will survive!
The History of the Turkey Pardon
The convergence of Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah is something that happens incredibly rarely, and this Thursday will be a once in a many-lifetime event. The overlap this year is because according to the Jewish calendar, this is a leap year, meaning that an entire extra month is added to the calendar. Because of that, most major Jewish holidays moved up by nearly a month. Couple that with the extremely late date of Thanksgiving in 2013, and you've got a convergence of holidays that comes once in many, many generations.
Rare footage - The Story of Thanksgivukkah (funny stuff)

Some turkey stuff from the Evil Blogging Lady
When the little girl, Alice Bee, grows up she'll have a complete photographic record of herself in highly precarious situations.
Bloody, Gory PETA Ad to Shock Kids This Thanksgiving
Bloody, Gory PETA Ad to Shock Kids This Thanksgiving
Hang on a Minute with Si and Jase
When it comes to frying up a feathered feast, there may be no better experts than bearded duckmen Si and Jase Robertson. As members of the Duck Commander family, they know how to be safe when frying a bird.
I am thankful that my daughter, Boobe Kid, was not hurt and the gas cylinder did not explode
Creative Dad Takes Crazy Photos Of Daughters
Jason Lee's blogging project
Jason who is a wedding photographer started taking photos of his two little daughters back in 2006 when his mom was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The girls were constantly sick, with colds and coughs so he couldn't always bring them to visit their grandmother. Jason wanted her to be able to see her granddaughters without catching their kid germs so he started a blog where his mom could see what was going on in their lives.
You can give future generations a “lunar advantage” by promoting Goodstuff's Lunar Squatting Project
Sexy Ladies in Black/White
History of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
You can give future generations a “lunar advantage” by promoting Goodstuff's Lunar Squatting Project
Sexy Ladies in Black/White
History of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
My Thank You Gift to You built by Katy