Katheryn Winnick is hosting this metablog issue. Plus udder assets that you won't find in your local library

Katheryn Winnick attending 2014 events

Katheryn Winnick on Facebook

Funny link; Katheryn Winnick, the Viking chick, has reportedly become the latest celebrity to fall victim to apparent leaked nude photos scandal.

A bunch more Katheryn Winnick photos
Katheryn Winnick gets into fighting shape for the Vikings

A row of badasses...
British SAS back from a three month long patrol
of North Africa, January 18, 1943.
Hat Tip Daily Timewaster
CONCEPT Bad to the Bone
Connie Rodd.... sounds like a porn name, doesn't it? In fact, Connie Rodd was the fictional host of the military issued magazine PS Preventive Maintenance Monthly.

A lot of the PS Preventive Maintenance Monthly issues were illustrated cover to cover by none other than Will Eisner!
Over time, as more women became soldiers and the public in general became more sensitized to stereotypes, Connie Rodd's clothes became standard issue uniforms and her mechanical advisories gradually lost their playful suggestive innuendo.
Inside The Army’s Spectacular, Hidden Treasure Room
Decades worth of Starlog magazines available in PDF
Bettie Page with the Ku Klux Klan
Bettie Page Interviewed by the FBI
Unpublished photos and what Weegee
told the FBI about Bettie Page
When your favorite song comes on
and you can't help but bounce.
Proof Positive Dudes Linkaround

Rule 5 Fish story, Woodsterman Style
Rule 5 Linkfest, Ryn Lee Edition
Rule 5: A Double-Stuffed Presidential Collection
Olivia Garson, Rule 5 tart
Blackmailers Don't Shoot Emma Kuziara
NSFW Fred Dude has posted some
OUTSTANDING stuff this week
Facebook recommends using the link share tool rather than embedding a link in the text of the update.
I don't get a lot of hits from Facebook. Maybe more coming due to my new posting style. The good news for Pages administrators is that Facebook will probably be distributing more status updates from Pages that are media or link based, as opposed to text based.
Chicago PD's Big Data: using pseudoscience to justify racial profiling
Reddit Mods Bury Glenn Greenwald's Story On GCHQ/NSA Use Of Internet To 'Destroy Reputations'
Hat Tip - Glenn Reynolds at Instapudit

Victorian Slang Terms