During a period of weakness, I allowed my wife to clean the computer desk... “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” - Albert Einstein
Scarlett Johansson does have boobs and a fine cleavage
Creepy Profile of Scarlett Johansson
I can't honestly say I can remember ever seeing a movie with Scarlet Johansson in it. Well, there's no time like the present, they say.

DeepFace: Facebook Uses Artificial Intelligence To Boost Performance Of Facial Verification Project
Here are some tools such as linux binary programs and python scripts to perform face verification experiments.
Will pole dancing robots
put human strippers out of work?
Is having sex with an ultra-realistic
robot hooker cheating?
Vintage Robots Hookers - Photo Dump
Will pole dancing robots
put human strippers out of work?
Is having sex with an ultra-realistic
robot hooker cheating?
Vintage Robots Hookers - Photo Dump
In 1980, our living rooms were still a lot like the living rooms of 1960. The television set was color, but the number of channels was basically the same. The VCR and the "home arcade" were on the market, but hadn't yet penetrated your average household. But change was in the air, and the technophiles could feel a major shift on the horizon.
Flexibility is a good thing (NSFW)
BeCos(play) It's Friday
The Friday Pin Up
A super tall model who goes by the name of Amazon Eve
Or as Babezilla
Head Lights On
Blackmailers don't shoot Zuleyka Silver
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Portia De Rossi, the hottest lesbian on the planet
Vintage Babe of the Week
is Maggie Smith

This Is The Dumbest Idea Ever
Will Human Society on the planet fail?
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Kiss Your Productivity Goodbye
A desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world.
- John le Carre