Here lies a monumental photo dump of Sophia Loren and metablog of all the neat and groovy stuff found this last week. Plus, at no extra cost, a bunch of udder babes
Sophia Loren Chronicles - Sixty years of her life and career are chronicled and documented, year by year, month by month
As a 15 year old girl, she attended to a beauty contest. Sophia Loren is the girl in the center.

A long and winding road to Miss Italia
Sofia Villani Scicolone (Sophia Loren) is an epic tale of beauty, brutal hardship and love. Carlo Ponti was 37 years old, a financial success and very married with two kids in 1950 when they asked him to be a judge in that beauty contest. Sofia Loren was just 16 when she walked out on the stage in high heels and a bathing suit. They would be together for the next 57 years until Carlo passed away in 2007
Sophia Loren 1950
Sophia Loren 1950
Sophia Loren was born as Sofia Scicolone in Rome, Italy, on September 20, 1934. Her father Riccardo was married to another woman and refused to marry her mother Romilda, despite the fact that she was the mother of his two children. It had to be tough growing up in the slums of Pozzuoli during the second World War without any support from her father.
Sophia Loren selected as Miss Welder of 1954
Sophia Loren and her Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing

Sophia Loren As Cleopatra Swimming Naked
NSFW : Sophia Loren : NSFW
Rule 5 : Sophia Loren : Evil Blogger Lady

Best Breasts in movie history
Sexy Black/Whites at Double Trouble Two

Vintage Babe of the Week is Heather Thomas

Sure He picked .... A beautiful Bride but Oh, that BO!
NSA (and the alphabet soup) monitoring President Carter is justified
"I've looked on many women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me." - Jimmy Carter
Lawsuit: Bill Clinton made multiple trips to fundraiser's private island where underage sex slaves were held
Jimmy Carter negotiated a nuclear program with Kim Il-sung, but went further and outlined a treaty, which he announced on CNN without the permission of the Clinton White House as a way to force the US into action.
"You know,I have felt that my own communications are probably monitored" - Jimmy Carter
Google encrypts Gmail to safeguard against NSA snooping
NCIS (hot chicks) is Poking Around In Your Affairs
A handful of my blogging friends are asking "Is there anything that is not caused by global warming?"
We Can't Find Flight MH370 because of man made climate change! Scientists say man-made climate change has fundamentally altered the currents of the vast, deep oceans where investigators are currently scouring for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight, setting a complex stage for the ongoing search for MH370.
Curt at Daily Time Waster posts some neat and groovy stuff
Blackmailers Don't Shoot: Linkfest
Proof Positive link around
It was a truly pleasant surprise to find The Gallery of Surf Classics’ trove of 1960s surf movie ticket stubs. Many are very plain, but some of the graphic tickets are very cool.
The redheads Rita Hayworth and Lily Cole sandwich some
NSA parodies and some surfer chicks
The thing dancing is not a person. It's a Gyrating Animatronic Doll, featuring facial recognition technology that allows it to focus on and follow you with its gaze.
‘I love to look plastic– most people hate me for my extreme appearance but it fuels me to get more work done,’ - Katella Dash
Featured Hottie - Claire Abbott
Claire Abbott is a YouTube musician
with extraordinary boobs talent.
Rule 5– compiled by Wombat Dude
Rule 5 Linkfest: You Know I Read It in a Magazine
Rule 5 goodness from Donald at American Power
Rule 5 - Milla Jovovich
Mocho Dude is an outstanding vintage babe blogger. However, some of his stuff is NSFW
Spring Break 2014 Rule 5 post