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GOODSTUFF's St Patrick's Day Block Party!


Fancy a  magical mystery tour to China, Japan and the Maldives? While picking up some hitchhikers like Shu Qi, Emma Watson, Hannah Minx, Kate Upton and Hunter S Thompson. 

In my opinion, Chinese actress Shu Qi舒淇(aka Hsu Chi, Shu Kei, Li Hui Lin) best known to Western audiences for her role in the film The Transporter, is one the most beautiful women in the world. Shu Qi got her start doing nude modeling, then progressed into acting in more mainstream Chinese films and has become one of Asia's top stars.

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An old Shu Qi interview explains why 
her internet foot print is so small

The Shu Qi story

Malé, Capital of the Maldives

The Island of Malé is the equal fourth most densely populated island in the world. Since there is no surrounding countryside, all infrastructure has to be located in the city itself. 

Why are the Maldives sinking?
Water is provided from desalinated ground water; the water works pumps brackish water from 50-60m deep wells in the city and sewage is pumped unprocessed into the sea 

Islam is the official religion of the Maldives and open practice of any other religion is forbidden and liable to prosecution

In 2012, 35 Buddhist and Hindu artifacts, from the 6th century BC, were destroyed from the Maldives' National Museum by suspected Islamic law enforcers. Ali Waheed (the director of National Museum of the Maldives) stated: Five men were caught at the museum" but a spokesman for the police, Ahmed Shiyam, said on Monday that investigators were still collecting evidence and had not made arrests.

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Thilafushi - or Rubbish Island - in the Maldives

Now, the government of the Maldives has belatedly banned the dumping of waste on the island. This was due largely to an increase in the number of waste boats ‘fly-tipping’ directly into the sea, fed up with waiting seven hours or more to offload their cargo. The freighters are now ferrying debris to India instead.

Maldives Resorts Stop Providing Hot Water to 
Chinese Tourists to Prevent Them From 
Eating Instant Noodles

Xi Jinping named president of China

Xi Jinping problems such as corruption and bribe-taking by some party members and cadres, being out of touch with the people, placing undue emphasis on formality and bureaucracy had to be addressed

The offical party line is "Xi Jinping is the Man of the People"

Xi Jinping was sent at the age of fifteen to work in a remote village for seven years when his father was purged from power before the Cultural Revolution

However, Xi Jinping is married the to the 

Five Chinese Leaders You Should Know

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Trees That Survived Hiroshima
(Hat Tip for NSFWFred) 

GOODSTUFFs Nuclear Retro Photo Album 

Should You Have Kids?

Fukushima Radiation Proves Less Deadly Than Feared
(Hat Tip for the beachcomber, Fritz)  

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Chicken Is Making Kids Gay, Says Lingerie Model Natalia Paris. “Seven, eight, nine and 10-year-old children [who are eating chicken] are having their feminine hormones accelerated … and are starting to become homosexual.”

(Hat Tip at Glenn, the Instapundit Dude)

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers 

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HOT Hula Rock (funny stuff!)

"Who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?" - Hunter S. Thompson

  Jake Davidson is throwing a Hail Mary by asking Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Kate Upton to his prom.

Yeah Yeah... I know this is old and cheesy but "great moments are born from great opportunity!". While everyone sat in front of their computers spewing white stuff on the keyboard... there was one... Jake Davidson who actually had enough will power to stop fapping and make a video to ask her out!

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Is't weird, knowing that this guy masturbates to videos of 
Kate Uptonboobs bouncing?

The Power of the Internet!
Kate Upton Calls Jake Davidson on TODAY: "I definitely have to check my schedule, but you seem like so much fun and if everything works out, I'd love to go with you," Upton said. "I know we'd have a blast."

However... Six celebrity prom invites that didn't go viral

There are few people on the Internet who don’t enjoy a great animated gif. Finding these images is a whole other issue. Relying on Tumblr blogs and regular Google search just wasn’t enough, so Google has decided to make it easier to find these masterpieces using its image search product. Google is rolling out the animated gif search filter now, and you’ll be able to click “Search tools” and then “Animated” under type to filter your search with animated goodstuff only. You’ll be able to drill down further by finding images with transparent backgrounds only. 

Inquiring minds want to know  "When buttered toast is dropped it usually lands buttered side down and when a cat falls it usually lands on it's feet. So if you strap a piece of buttered toast to a cat's back what happens when the cat falls off  particle accelerator?"

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How to drive a cat crazy...

Johnny Depp talks about Hunter S. Thompson 
with David Letterman on the Late Show.


あぶない "Abunai," which means "Dangerous!" 危ない

GOODSTUFFs Bat Channel 

Hot and Sticky here in the Bangkok area

Emma Watson Gets Naked For Earth Day!

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The steamy Emma Watson photos will be featured in photographer James Houston's upcoming book, Natural Beauty, to raise money and awareness for environmental issues.

100 points to Gryffindor!


Goodstuff presents this egg-traordinary creepy Easter issue with  Alfred Hitchcock and Tyra Banks. Plus some egg-extraneous Suffragist chickens... Basically stuff you can use this weekend.  

Anna Kaneshiro thought the dates of Easter change every year just to confuse you and mess with your holiday plans... but in reality, the changing dates were made to help out Easter pilgrims. Centuries ago, the Church wanted to make sure they had a full moon to guide them as they made their religious journeys. 

One German scholar, Jakob Lehmann, calculated Easters for the next 20,000 years... and as it turns out, you don't have to worry about it falling on March 22 -- it hasn't happened since 1818, and won't again until 2285.

 Kate Upton for Beach Bunny Swimwear

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppin', Easter's on its way
I've uncovered another creepy Easter tradition of days gone by. A forgotten unmentionable, the egg bra was popular for a short period among females of a Certain Class. A festive but ultimately impractical undergarment. Sadly, egg bras don't always provide the support one would wish for...

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Yes, I'm talking about Egg Bras. Not just for chickens anymore, egg bras were worn by hopeful little girls with big, big dreams.

Electric Kool-Aid Hard Boiled Eggs

Dear kids: We know the Easter bunny is kind of creepy

Certainly if the creepy Easter Bunny was a person he would look like this guy! Look at those sparkling eyes, soft hands, and, and, and... 

And here's something that mustn't drove birthers nuts in the 19th century: Instead of birth certificates, Easter eggs dyed and inscribed with a person's name and birth date were honored in courts of law as birth certificates in Germany.
This creepy Easter card serves as a public service announcement for why we need stricter gun laws...

This mesmerizing animated GIF shows the day to night rhythm of Internet use. The most action occurs by day, where the spots are red and yellow. They turn to blue by night when more devices are offline.

A Hacker, that hack the planet? 
Mapping the Internet: A Hacker’s Secret Internet Census

You might've read some headlines Thursday (in very reputable publications) saying that there's an online attack underway. The biggest in history. Enough to slow down the internet...

This would be exciting and scary, except it's just not true.
Matthew Prince is in the business of selling protection against online attacks and is doing a self promotion thing   

It seems John Dvorak wants to piggy back this self promotion champagne 

Social media is a great place to meet new people, catch up with old friends, or even sell yourself (not in THAT way, perv). It also can help portray who you are to the rest of the world, for better... or for worse. Because while social media can show everyone just how cool you are, it can also show them what a fucking goober you are. Today we're going to help you not be an e-goober with these handy social media etiquette tips.

"Vote No on Women's Suffrage" : Bizarre Reasons For Not Letting Women Vote

"There is...no method known by which mud-stained reputation may be cleaned after bitter political campaigns."

Sarah Palin is no longer politically relevant but still gets news coverage...

War on Women, Waged in Postcards: Memes From the Suffragist Era

Women's suffrage is the right of women to vote and to run for office

How Feminism Works

French Feminists Upset 
By Artsy Louis Vuitton Prostitute Video (NSFW)

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Facebook has turned pink and red with icons supporting equal marriage rights, and are morphing into all sorts of different images.

Send me an Angel - Scorpions

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Wind Of Change - Scorpions 

Thai Chicks (funny stuff)

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Chicken Idioms

After watching Betty and Wilma do all the housework, Barney and Fred decide to "do something" so they decide to "take a break" with Winstons...

In 1960, Winston cigarettes were a sponsor for The Flintstones. At the time, the cartoon was geared more toward grown-ups. But still. The prehistoric cast became "spokestoons", doing shameless product placement bits, which were incorporated into the episodes.

Some scary goofy Alfred Hitchcock photos

   Bo told me about a bizarre experience he had while on the special effects crew of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic PSYCHO. 

   In the 1950s and 60s the industry’s decency codes (Hays Code) imposed very strict rules when a story-line involved nudity. If you saw PSYCHO, then no doubt you’ll remember the famous shower scene when Janet Leigh’s character, Marion Crane, is brutally stabbed repeatedly while showering. Leigh refused to allow her near-naked body to be filmed. So Myra Jones was contracted to be Leigh’s “body double”. The decency code barred any exposure of female breasts or pubic regions. Bo’s job was to assure that this code was complied with. 
The body double, Myra Jones, was well paid to perform this body double task. Her pubic region was to be completely covered as well as her breasts. To effectively accomplish this, Bo used a special adhesive on a piece of diaphanous (vaguely transparent) material that had been cut in the shape of an isosceles triangle to fit the double’s pubic area. At the apex of the triangle a slender cork was mounted so that … (well I’m sure you get the idea).

   Bo was a little guy, probably not more than 5’ 4” tall. On the week that the shower scene was to be shot Bo and Myra were assigned a special room in the studio. This room was exclusively for the purpose of preparing the body double each day. Gynecology stirrups were acquired to facilitate the effective placement of the diaphanous triangle material onto its designated “location”.    The table on which the stirrups rested was rather high. Bo had to use an apple box to comfortably position himself so he could do his job properly. The adhesive he used was instant drying and required a special solvent for removal.
On the first day of the “shower scene” filming Bo and Myra began their preparations. First he had to shave her pubic area. Bo said he always got these raunchy assignments. Poor guy. Covering the nipples was not a problem. The material showed just enough nipple shadow to convey nudity while not violating code. Now for the pubic region. He placed the cork gently into its anchoring orifice (I’ll spare you the details). He then painted the adhesive onto the triangle, then began pulling the triangle up and over onto the target area.

   But whoops! His apple box toppled and Bo’s chin fell onto the remaining exposed triangle. You can use your imagination to visualize where his face was now resting. He is stuck there and unable to reach the bottle of solvent. Myra is now laughing while Bo is yelling (very muffled yelling) for someone to come help. Finally the room door opens and Hitchcock himself looks in. Before retrieving the solvent bottle for Bo Alfred Hitchcock says with his renowned dry wit: “Bo, lunch is not for another hour yet.”

Some one make Alfred Hitchcock a sandwich...

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Janet Leigh's name - and terrifying screams - became synonymous with cinematic legend as Alfred Hitchcock's doomed heroine in the infamous stabbing shower scene from "Psycho." 

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Despite her later roles, which were eventually superseded by turns as a mother, humanitarian and best-selling author, audiences would still forever remember those fateful 45 seconds of the dying Janet Leigh, glimpsed in naked silhouette, her hands tearing vainly at the shower curtain as her blood spirals down the drain.

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"I don't take showers. Or, if there is no other way to bathe, I make sure all of the doors and windows in the house are locked, and I leave the bathroom door and shower curtain open so I have a perfect, clear view." -- Janet Leigh 

Phones are so Rude! 
(large photo album)

Mr. Scrambles is an eggs-tra special new friend for your kids. He can teach them to cook eggs with new and egg-citing technology! The instructions basically boil down to this: place an egg between two phones, use one phone to call the other, and then wait for radio signals to cook the egg. Mr. Scrambles notes that cooking time will vary, depending on the power output of your mobile phone. Check your user manual and remember that cooking time will be proportional to the inverse square of the output power for a given distance from egg to phone.

The Most Mystifying Supermodel Ever; Tyra Banks the alien

Tyra Banks rules over world of social networking

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 Inspiration may pour over you at any minute. Let it happen. Let it consume you - Tyra Banks

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"Your tongue is often your best accessory. Use seductively, and with vigor!" - Tyra Banks

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It is a scientific fact that beautiful women make men stupid... 
"Smizing" with Tyra Banks



From the Minister of Misinformation, in future all media citations must fit within strictly defined classifications: unnamed, well-placed, unnamed well-placed, official, unofficial, official unnamed, official well-placed, reliable, unnamed reliable, well-placed reliable, and official unnamed well-placed.

The official unnamed well-placed reliable source

The Federal Bureau of "Quotations" has set up a website to help the media and the reading public understand what the new classifications mean. An official unnamed well-placed reliable source said the site will be user-friendly, featuring a cutefeline mascot named Miss Information to lead readers through the many details.

Rule 5 - Carla Campbell Sports Illustrated model
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Carla Campbell was Born in Kingston, Jamaica Carla Campbell is a fashion model probably best known for her boobs : well-placed reliable source

GOODSTUFF's official morning Newspaper

Adriana Lima has blues eyes. She wears colored contact lenses which appeals as if she has green colored eyes. 
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“Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes!” -
unnamed reliable source

 "DOTUS" (Dog of the United States)

Our well-placed, reliable, and official national poll this week we took the opportunity to poll twenty widespread and/or infamous conspiracy theories. Many of these conspiracy theories are well known to the public.

37% of voters believe global warming is a hoax, 51% do not. Republicans say global warming is a hoax by a 58-25 margin, Democrats disagree 11-77, and Independents are more split at  41-51. 61% of Romney voters believe global warming is a hoax

5% believe exhaust seen in the sky behind airplanes is actually chemicals sprayed by the government for sinister reasons. (Thinking the error is greater than 5%)

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Bo... the official well-placed source

The canine news channel reports that an unnamed well-placed source spotted Bo at the Cathouse for Dogs! An official unnamed source reports Bo engaged in wanton acts of canine carnality. However, Madam Fifi stated " Bo did not have sexual relationships with that bitch"

North Koreans in coats using computers connected to the local internet at a massive library in Pyongyang called The Grand People's Study House.

looks (surreal) staged by actors to me

On Jan. 18, 2013, foreigners were allowed for the first time to bring mobile phones into North Korea. And this week the local service provider, Koryolink, is allowing foreigners to access the Internet on a data capable 3G connection on our mobile phones. 

David Guttenfelder "In the past I could post geolocated phone photos to my Instagram feed by turning my online laptop into a hotspot to link my iPhone or iPod touch by wifi. But, today I'm posting this directly from my phone while riding in the back of a van in Pyongyang. The window on to North Korea has opened another crack. Meanwhile, for Koreans here who will not have access to the same service, the window remains shut."

North Korea Cuts 3G Mobile Web Access for Foreign Visitors

North Korean students attending English language class
check out the Dudes sitting at table 21 and 23

Just a thought  --  It's been a slow news week. Some of the stuff being posted about North Korea without a good sources of information is just crap and fear mongering.

Just a thought  --  Twice this week I have read that North Korean sites have been hacked by "Anonymous". Is Anonymous part of the "War Games"?

It's the start of the hot season in Thailand
(Songkhran starts next week)

It's sooo hot... 
Silicon boobs are doing a spontaneous combustion thing

Anti-Rape Underwear Will Shock Attackers 
And Send Distress Signals

It's sooo hot...
It's so hot today, the air smells like ironing

It's sooo hot...
We've realized asphalt has a liquid state

Surfing Girls are just Awesome

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At first glance, it appears that these surf portraits were taken decades ago. Truth is, Joni Sternbach captured these shots pretty recently using a 19th-century technique that hasn't changed much since its invention. It's called "tintype."

Celebrity Surfer Girls

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gone swimming...


Songkran the Thai New Year (สงกรานต์ = Songkran in Thai language) is celebrated every year in the middle of April. Songkran is also celebrated in Laos and is called Thingyan in Myanmar. Sri Lanka also celebrates a similar festival

The good people of Thailand abandon themselves to a mad free-for-all orgy of throwing, squirting, splashing, heaving, hurling and dumping water on each other. 

Teenagers on motorcycles weave wildly through traffic, ready to pounce in hit-and-run squirtgun raids. Pickup trucks packed with nubile girls, fetchingly drenched, prowl about the streets in search of victims for a watery mugging.

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A couple of years back, The Culture Ministry tried to ban spaghetti-strap tank tops and hot pants in the Songkran celebrations - despite protests from young women. 

"Wear a simple sarong," said the Culture Minister. Needless to say, it did not work

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Motorbikes, bicycles, and buses are prime targets. Pedestrians are certainly no better off. Kids stand in little militias in front of their houses, a hose running freely into a barrel, and they throw buckets of water at anything that moves. They are on summer vacation; they have nothing else to do, and it's the hottest time of the year. Why not stay wet all day?

Bangkok degenerates into a battlefield!

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The Thais used to celebrate the hot season by sprinkling a small out of scented water over each other. 

But we're in the 21st century Thailand now, and very little of the traditional Songkran ways of the country remain.

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Songkran Festival : People go to the temple to make merits by offering food to monks and novices, observing the precepts and listening to the Dhamma talk. And they perform the bathing ceremony of the Buddha images and monks. During this time, the younger people ask blessings from the elders. This is known as Water Splashing Feast. It might be said that the Songkran festival is the Respected festival to the elders or the Family Day.

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I am going to hanging out at 
Pothole Beach Resort for Songkran 

Industrial machinery humanized: 
Illustrations by Boris Artzybasheff 

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The artist Boris Artzybasheff created
anthropomorphic hardware

Some of Boris Artzybasheff covers for Time magazine

The anthropomorphic animal love

Who's the fairest fowl of all? 

What happens when you try to treat a chicken they way we treat humans, even if it is just for the length of a photo shoot?

If you need to wrap a pigeon for aircraft-drop, this will help. From the surprisingly useful 

Pigeon Service Manual, Air Ministry, 1919

Are Katy Perry's boobs real?

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Kinky GIFS of Katy Perry’s Boobs (31 gifs)
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Bras make boobs saggier, study finds
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Katy Perry is the only two things that mattered at the Grammys. 
The only two things.
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Katy Perry, named the hottest woman in the world by Maxim Magazine, is having quite the year. Not only did she come out with a huge summer hit, but she also came out with absolutely colossal cleavage. And if these boobalicious photos don’t prove that she’s the hottest babe around, than just consider the fact that she loves to show off her boobs. And why shouldn't she, they're spectacular. Of course, we also know that she likes to pretend that she doesn't like to show off her boobs.


Welcome to the internet junk drawer, where concepts are stored. One would find hot babes, photogenic dolls, red meat and other cool junk 
You can take comfort in the knowledge that our children will not have to grow up in this primitive era where mannequins are simply inanimate clothing models and not undercover surveillance androids. 

Already some stores have begun using the EyeSee Mannequin, a person-shaped plastic clothes hanger outfitted with cameras, microphones, and state-of-the-art facial recognition software meant to record and quantify shopper behavior

Ok so why couldn't you just use the normal 
CCTV security cameras for that?

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I think because people have a higher tendency to look at a creepy bionic mannequin while they're browsing the store, even if for a split second, that should be enough to gather the necessary data.

And no you have very little expectations of privacy when you enter private property, gun shows, shopping malls, post offices, your local 7-11 and your favorite bar 

 Antique Dolls That Will Probably Kill You In Your Sleep

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Sophia Loren

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Smoking Role Models 

Meet The Guys Who Rescued Twinkies

some background
Ding Dong the Twinkie is Dead

Exercise discretion in opening the below links, 
for not all of them are safe for work.

Every week The Other McCain (Wombat-socho) posts 
links to all the Rule 5 (cheesy) blogs

Back to the Future countdown clock
There have been recent hoaxes regarding the actual date in the movie. Hopefully, this site will serve to prevent future hoaxes

The "destination time" is set to the famous date of October 21, 2015. In Back to the Future II, the audience is only shown the month, day, year, and hour portion of the time circuits. We know it is four-something in the afternoon. Based on the novel Back to the Future II by Craig Shaw Gardner (story by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale), it says that, "Doc pointed at the time display as he eased the nose of the DeLorean downward. Marty read the digital display: OCTOBER 21, 2015. 4:29 P.M." 

Fritz Dude has a great Ana Beatriz Barros blog. 
Not your normal cheesey stuff

Meat and a hacksaw. Questions?

Retro Advertising 

This was hilarious! Well worth the click!

Alice In Wonderland

The identified works of nine historical artists and two contemporary artists are featured

Chapter II: The Pool of Tears
Chapter III: A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale
Chapter IV: The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill
Chapter V: Advice from a Caterpillar
Chapter VI: Pig and Pepper
Chapter VII: A Mad Tea-Party
Chapter VIII: The Queen's Croquet-Ground
Chapter IX: The Mock Turtle's Story
Chapter X: The Lobster Quadrille
Chapter XI: Who Stole the Tarts?
Chapter XII: Alice's Evidence

Google’s New Inactive Account Manager 
Gives You Control Over Your Digital Afterlife

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Lindsay Lohan 

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Some thing different
Empire Of The Sun - We Are The People


Norwegian base-jump and wingsuit athlete Alexander Polli jumped from a hovering helicopter and flew at high speed through a narrow hole in a wall of rock called the Batman Cave, which is located in the Roca Foradada Mountains in Montserrat, Spain.
He reached the top speed of 250 km/h (155 mph). Just imagine how accurate he had to be to go through that hole!

The complete run of Omni, one of my all-time favorite magazines, is now available for free on the Internet Archive! In its late-1970s and 1980s heyday, Omni was a wonderful blend of technology, science, art, fiction, futurism, and high weirdness.

The Coolest-Looking Bureaucrats You’ll Ever See
Hat Tip for NSFWFred 

The Most Goofy Leaders We Have Ever Had in Politics

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Russian beauty Zlata is a professional contortionist and Guinness World Record holder! She even has her own sexy website

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I don't think Zlata has any bones 

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Zlata is some kind of wet dream

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I dream of Zlata

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Zlata was originally an Rhythmic Gymnastics performer

Zlata gives a "Yoga lesson for men" in her Bikini, 
with some tongue-in-cheek humour.

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Everything you need to know about PRISM
A cheat sheet for the NSA's unprecedented surveillance programs

There have been a lot of news stories about NSA surveillance programs following the leaks of secret documents by Edward Snowden. But it seems the more we read, the less clear things are. Here is a detailed snapshot of what's known and what's been reported where.

Timeline: How Edward Snowden evaded U.S. prosecution

CIA and FBI Spied on Americans and 
Immigrant Refugees as Early as the Late ’50s

The House of Representatives voted 217-205 to defeat an amendment to the defense appropriations bill that would have limited the National Security Agency's ability to collect electronic information, including phone call records.

How Protecting Your Privacy could make you the bad guy or flag you as a problem child. 

Hat Tip for Fred Dude at ExtraGoodShit (NSFW)

We can now make comments on Instapundit’s posts.
(thanks Glenn) 

This is 24-year-old Agnieszka Radwanska from Poland. She was a semi-finalist at Wimbledon this year and is currently ranked number four in the world. Agnieszka Radwanska was attacked by the Polish Catholic church for her appearance on ESPN The Magazine Body Issue. A senior Catholic priest from Poland said, “It’s a shame that someone who has declared their love for Jesus is now promoting the mentality of men looking at a woman as a thing rather than a child of God worthy of respect and love.”

The "love" of the Catholic youth movement Krucjata Mlodych (Youth Crusade) means "nothing" 

Agnieszka Radwanska New and Hot photos 2013

Manhattan Island over the years
 Photos Of New York City In 1973

Sex Advice From 1930s Burlesque Stars

One thing is as true today as it was three-quarters of a century ago: whether one wants to make a buck publishing magazines, staging burlesque shows or fostering adult education, sex sells.


Earlier this week, major news sites posted photos of mutant vegetables which were supposedly popping up in farms around Japan's earthquake-damaged Fukushima nuclear reactor due to radiation leaks. The photos were a hoax. Of course, most news media thankfully ignored this whole demonstration in ignoring scientific information and in fundamental fact-checking.

Of course, perhaps they're just waiting for the even more exciting images of Godzilla rising from the sea.

"We believe this creature, who some call Godzilla, is random result of nature evolution. There is no evidence to connect the Godzilla lizard to any potential radioactive emissions purportedly leaking from the Fukushima Daiichi reactors into Pacific Ocean." - Minister of Misinformation

fun site - EZ Biker

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lots of cleavage stuff

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Here are some absolutely insane videos/photos that you must see

This story board starts with a bully dolphin...

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The real story - Eight-ton orca leaps 15ft into the air to finally capture dolphin he wanted for dinner after two-hour chase

A fun Facebook site - Sailors Against Dolphins

OK, Orca profiling is wrong. However, Orcas are actually part of the dolphin family. Therefore, one can assume that orcas are cannibals (Hannibal Lecter-style) and eat their cousins (not in a good way)

Van Halen - Jump

Miss Hannah Minx ii desu


The Space Cowboy issue! You will be enjoying Kate Upton, 
Cosplay chicks, heady beers,farting and some groovy stuff! 
As Spock would say, "Fascinating"

GOODSTUFF is doing an astral projection thing 
with Kate Upton (new updates)

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Kate Upton #3 on Ask Men's Top 99 Women
Kate Upton #7 on Reddit's 100 Sexiest Women
Kate Upton #8 on Maxim's Hot 100

The Hill's Most Beautiful People

"There is no plastic in La La Land" - Elly Tran Ha

Oil spill hits the Thai resort island of Ko Samet

About 1,500 workers, soldiers, and volunteers are involved in a clean up operation in the Gulf of Thailand,Rayong

These animated beer GIFs could easily belong in the pages of The Daily Prophet, the wizarding newspaper with moving pictures made famous in the Harry Potter series.

This Bud is for you! For all the things you do!

That time Mickey Mouse was a Drug Dealer

Edward Snowden Granted Asylum In Russia

Hey Vladimir Putin! I fart in your general direction 

 During Japan’s Edo period, an unknown artist created what is easily the most profound demonstration of human aesthetics ever committed to parchment. I am referring to He-Gassen a.k.a. 屁合戦 a.k.a. “the fart war.” In this centuries-old scroll, women and men blow each other off the page with typhoon-like flatulence. 

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Katy Perry - I fart in front of him. Properly fart. And I never, ever fart in front of a man I am dating. That’s a rule.

This wee excerpt has blown my mind. First off, I assumed that Katy Perry only farted gumdrops and cotton candy, but I was apparently wrong if Katy’s claims of “properly” farting are any indication. 

As a twenty-three-year-old Mississippi River pilot Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) came to know New Orleans well. The following is how he describes Mardi Gras to his sister in 1859

"At the corner of Good-Children and Tchoupitoulas streets, I beheld an apparition!—and my first impulse was to dodge behind a lamp-post. It was a woman—a hay-stack of curtain calico, ten feet high—sweeping majestically down the middle of the street . . . . Next I saw a girl of eighteen, mounted on a fine horse, and dressed as a Spanish Cavalier, with long rapier, flowing curls, blue satin doublet and half-breeches, trimmed with broad white lace—(the balance of her dainty legs cased in flesh-colored silk stockings)—white kid gloves—and a nodding crimson feather in the coquettishness little cap in the world. She removed said cap and bowed low to me, and nothing loath, I bowed in return—but I could n't help murmuring, "By the beard of the Prophet, Miss, but you've mistaken your man this time—for I never saw your silk mask before—nor the balance of your costume, either, for that matter." And then I saw a hundred men, women and children in fine, fancy, splendid, ugly, coarse, ridiculous, grotesque, laughable costumes, and the truth flashed upon me—"This is Mardi-Gras!"

Hat tip Brian Robson

Cosplay Cuties

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Tis the Cosplay season 

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Comic-Con 2013 Cosplay Battle Winners

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The Funky and Freaky Girls at the “Burning Man” Festival

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Top 50 sexy sci-fi costumes

An old blog [issue] confirms the Butterfly Theory! You see... Eccentrica Gallumbits flapped her Lorenz attractor while entertaining at the Wonderbra. Which cause a rupture in the Blogosphere. Where as this Blogger was caught not wearing his Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB)

What If You Could See WiFi?

The Internet Is Way Bigger Than You Can Even Imagine

A Stripper’s Guide to the Modern American Boomtown

'Coming Soon' 
 Sydney Leathers X-Rated Parody of Sexting Affair

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Who's Crazier Anthony Weiner or Sydney Leathers
Her Ex-Boyfriend Says: She Was a "Fatal Attraction"

“The difference between fiction and reality? 
Fiction has to make sense.” - Tom Clancy

Vintage Babe of the Week


Hannah Minx explores Sydney Leathers and weird tattoo Weiners are from Mars. Also,  Curiosity sings happy birthday to Monica Lewinsky, Edward Snowden and the alphabet soup  

Hannah "Minxy" Minx (Hannah Wagner) grew up in Philadelphia and ate a lot of Philly cream cheese bagels. The fat from these tasty treats went straight to her bodacious double D boobs. 

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Then Hannah Minx spent some time in Japan doing some smoking fetish videos under the name of "LaMinxette". However she quit smoking and became Hannah "Minxy" Minx. 

Hannah Minx is now famous for being some kind of Japanese-speaking, big-boobed idol for no explicable reason other than her big boobs, big blue eyes and personality. 

Some of 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic gold medals will have bits of the Russian meteorite in them. A medal containing a piece of something that came from space. How cool is that? The lucky space gold will be given to athletes who win an event on February 15, 2014 (the one year anniversary of the meteor that hit Chelyabinsk). The events that qualify will be the men's 1500 meter speed skating, the women's 1000m and men's 1500 short track, the women's cross-country skiing relay, the men's K-125 ski jump, the women's super giant slalom and men's skeleton events.

Asteroids That Could Potentially End The World

Dramatic Intersections Of Politics And The Olympics

George Takei Takes Sides In Sochi Debate:
“Move The Olympics”

 One scary bitch from Fritz 

Phobos and Deimos from Curiosity

What an amazing photo, captured by Curiosity from the surface of Mars, August 1, 2013. It is unmistakably Phobos. And take my word for it when I tell you that the other bright blob is Deimos. Curiosity caught them both in one shot!

Curiosity got video. Video! Here's an animation of those thumbnails that should whet your appetite for what will be coming once the data finally squeeze through the pipeline to Earth. Deimos is almost lost in the JPEG compression artifacts, but you can see it at the center, and watch Phobos actually cross right in front of it.

Curiosity Sang Happy Birthday To Itself On Mars

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NSFWWeinergate (uncensored)
Sydney Leathers poses provocatively

Sydney Leathers reveals her ten secrets for seducing a politician 

Penis Size, State By State
The Meaning behind Various Prison Tattoos
(mouse over stuff)
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In the early 19th century, as more and more sailors returned from distant lands, tattooing had become highly popular in the British Navy. It spread even to the British admiralty, which has for a long time included certain royals who obtained rank. Field Marshal Earl Roberts is rumored to have expressed the opinion that “every officer in the British army should be tattooed with his regimental crest.” It not only boosted morale among the ranks, but it proved useful when identifying casualties. The Prince of Wales was tattooed with a Jerusalem Cross after visiting the Holy Land in 1862. Then, his sons, the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of York (later King George V) were tattooed by the Japanese master tattooist, Hori Chiyo.

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Although much of maritime tattooing took place on board ship, sailor to sailor– the craze spawned an industry of tattoo parlors in port cities in Britain and the United States, and indeed, around the world. Many of the proprietors of early tattoo shops were sailors who had come ashore. Famed British tattoo artist George Burchett learned his craft with an early stint in the service. By the end of the 19th century, it was estimated that ninety percent of British and American sailors had tattoos, according to some sources.

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The anchor remains the favorite tattoo of sailors, and is still one of the most popular designs worldwide– usually placed on the upper arm, just like Popeye.  Tattoos of a sailor’s ship were like a badge of honor that proudly displayed his feelings of patriotism and comradery.  And of course, Images of naked women were a major hit too– that is until the brass issued their ‘obscene’ warning.  After that, naval applicants could have their hopes dashed by showing up with too much ‘skin’ on their skin. Tattoo artists did a booming business covering the scantily-clad hula girls with grass skirts.

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Why You Should Be Careful When Choosing 
Chinese Symbol Tattoos

HuffPost - Couples Tattoos From Our Readers 

Kate Upton got a tattoo of a cross on her finger so she could always show her devotion to God and crescent tattoo on her outer left wrist.

Now that is some serious talent!

A man with super-large muscles tried his very hardest to open a bottle of water, using several techniques, none of which were successful at all.

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What is life like as a strongman

This web site helps you generate the letters you need to send to the FBI to get a copy of your own FBI file. 

FBI Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects

With a handful of plastic boxes and over-the-counter sensors, including Wi-Fi adapters and a USB hub, Brendan O’Connor, a security researcher, was able to monitor all the wireless traffic emitted by nearby wireless devices 

Edward Snowden a friend or foe?
 Wikipedia fight takes both sides

Lavabit, email service Edward Snowden reportedly used, abruptly shuts down

Crowdsource, the end of privacy!

Other Agencies Clamor for Data N.S.A. Compiles

NSA Data Collection Only For National Security

Al Qaeda Conference Call Intercepted by U.S. Officials 
Sparked Alerts

Communications between al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri (do something) in Pakistan and his deputy in Yemen led the U.S. government to tighten security and shutdown diplomatic posts.

The suspicious leaks behind the terrorism alert
The fog of war (timeline)

In GOODSTUFF's opinion - I can't help but think there many "prism" type data bases operating on many different levels. Also the fog of war concept, from the Minister of Misinformation, in the future all media citations must fit within strictly defined classifications: unnamed, well-placed, unnamed well-placed, unofficial, official unnamed, unnamed reliable, well-placed reliable, and official unnamed well-placed

Three terrorists from Al-Qaeda, in Yemen 
everybody should know

unconfirmed - NCIS Ziva David Replacement Revealed

The Grassy Knoll Institute reveals (credible?) information and scene stills of Caitlin O’Connor as the new replacement of Cote de Pablo who played Ziva David.

 Caitlin O'Connor used to be Katie Carroll (NSFW3). And why was Ms. O'Connor using an alias? Well....like nearly all so-called 'non-nude' models... 

NSFW Fred Dude at Goodshit

Glenn at Instapundit "When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on my page, including the “Shop Amazon” tab, you put a little money in my family’s pocket at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated! 


Goodstuff Telling Sea Stories

Brought yourself here, I want to told you a 

Sea Story 

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Arrrrrrgh, what's not to like about a cultural subset composed of seafaring, thieving, hygiene impaired, murderous, omnisexual rapists? Oh, did you not know now, that's what Pirates be? The real ones, anyway.

How Not to Repel Pirates

Pirate Activity 2013

All that rape and pillage stuff is decidedly less desirable when you're the one getting raped and pillaged, and for most of the Golden Age of Piracy it was Spain's galleons and doubloons getting forcibly confiscated in the name of some other random European crown.  The Spanish had done a damned impressive job of conquering a massive, formidable continent-spanning empire and milking it for enough valuable metal to give a set of gold teeth to the Martian Face, and they didn't really appreciate a bunch of dirty gringos dishing out sail-by shootings, murdering their people and making off with all their hard-earned shit.  Sometimes there wasn't much they could do about it – government-sponsored privateers (not to mention formal enemy navies) were pretty adept at taking whatever they could by force of violence and they weren't exactly interested in going easy on the Spanish just because they'd done all the hard work of exploiting the natives for valuable resources.  But every once in a while, a man would rise up – a guy like the insanely-hardcore one-armed, one-eyed, one-legged Admiral Don Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta

GOODSTUFF working offshore Vietnam 

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GOODSTUFF working the Spratly Islands

Ching Shih was one of the most badass pirates of all time.  In a ten-year span, Ching's "Red Flag Fleet", a pirate armada consisting of somewhere around four hundred Chinese twenty-gun junks and several thousand men, sailed up and down the coast of Imperial China kicking asses, sacking towns, breaking necks and cashing cheques.  Few pirates ever enjoyed such unbridled financial and military success as the Red Flag Fleet, thanks in a large part to the cunning and ruthlessness of Captain Ching Shih and her desire to be the most feared pirate in history.

GOODSTUFF does India

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Sinbad's Sailor Women

Sindbad the Sailor, that famous traveller who sailed over every sea upon which the sun shines


Popeye the Sailor Man… Toot toot! 
Here's the story of how he was born and other cool Popeye stuff

Pirate History and Reference

Sea Stories Magazine
View FlipBook or PDF

Sea Stories Magazine appears to have been sold from 1922 to 1930, as a twice monthly publication at first. It was a pulp, made from inferior paper that deteriorates quickly. There are only four libraries worldwide with any copies of the magazine. Of course, photocopying of these magazines is out of the question at this time.

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Scans of Sea Stories Magazine covers 

My all time favorite adventure story
Download Shogun novel / watch the Shogun mini-series 

(Great read, thanks NSFWFred)
While most of the major powers of western Europe spent the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries racing around the world carving out empires for themselves, Japan felt threatened by the influx of foreigners and ended up spending this period as one of the most reclusive nations on the planet. In the 1630s, a series of proclamations closed the country’s borders, marking the beginning of the period now known as sakoku (‘locking the country’). Non-Japanese-citizens were not permitted on Japanese soil; potential violators were warned that they would be subject to capital punishment.

Sea Monsters? - Dan The Navy Man

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The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Amazing Sight in the South Pacific (true story

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The yacht 'Maiken' was traveling in the south Pacific when the crew came across a weird sight. It was pumice was floating on top  of the waves... 

Then they watch an under water volcano erupt  

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Can you imagine the thrill of being the first and only people to see a new island being created... 

Message in a Bottle
From the words of a shipwrecked castaway to a sailor looking for love, these bottle-bound missives have tales of their own to tell.

GOODSTUFF mapping in Myanmar

Google Ocean is a toy, not a tool

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Documenting the history of marine seismic exploration 


Random 42

There's something really appealing about the simplicity of 
black-and-white images.

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The redheads Rita Hayworth and Lily Cole sandwich some 
NSA parodies and other current events 

Rita Hayworth doing her thing

(Extraordinary sleuthing connects 
Rita Hayworth and the atom bomb)

Rita Hayworth atomic bomb image found!

“Here’s a footnote on Bikini. I don’t know what this means or even if it has meaning, but I can’t resist mention of the fact that this much can be revealed concerning the appearance of tonight’s atom bomb: It will be decorated with a photograph of sizeable likeness of the young lady named Rita Hayworth."
-- Excerpt of an Orson Welles commentary delivered on the ABC radio network on June 30, 1946

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Now that we were able to actually see the Rita Hayworth image as it appeared on the bomb, we decided to revisit Lanahan’s original version of events as told to the wire service. His comments, via UP, were published in the June 30, 1946 edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer: 

“We stenciled the name in two-inch black letters. Then somebody suggested we needed a picture, so we found an old copy of Esquire and cut out a movie advertisement for Gilda.”

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See Rita Hayworth in her most iconic role as the firecracker sexy cabaret singer Gilda. 

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A short clip of The Shawshank Redemption, when Andy ask Red to get Rita Hayworth herself.

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This photograph of Rita Hayworth would become one of the most popular pin-ups of World War II, but LIFE refused to put it on its cover, saying it was too risque. By the end of the war, more than 5 million copies of this photo were sold. The U.S. Navy named her, “The Red-Head We Would Most Like to be Ship-Wrecked with”.

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Maids on the Wave by Wallace Mackay 1874

An early print-block engravings that began appearing back in Europe, show an often skewed perception of the surfing.

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The history of surfing is made of great achievements by female surfers. Since the early 1920s, surfer girls have been steadily evolving 

Surfing, a terrible addiction

Are you an avid Facebook user? 
It's all about your nucleus accumbens

In light of recent events regarding the NSA’s sweeping data collection program, Datacoup put together a parody site that hopefully draws a laugh and some further attention to the issue. 

As part of their special “War On Privacy” issue, MAD Magazine’s cover showed Obama as a spy boss

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange guest-starred in a satirical music video (he shows up around 3:30) while wearing a mullet.

And another NSA Twitter Parody Account Is Both Hilarious And Upsetting

"The Spartans do not inquire how many the enemy are, but where they are." AGIS II -  from the Knuckle Dragging Dude

Kim Jong Un’s Former Lover (Hyon Song Wol)Executed by Firing Squad After Making Sex Tape

Hyon Song Wol was arrested along with eleven other entertainers on for filming themselves having sex. They then sold the videos, some of which made it to China. The twelve people, who belonged to prominent performing troupes, were killed by firing squad on  as their families looked on.

Hat Tip - Fritz

VOTE Kim Jong Un (Person of the Year)

The article describes the defection to the USSR of two NSA analysts. Though their defection was politically motivated, news accounts focused on their sexuality and suggested that communists would blackmail government employees by instigating or uncovering homosexual encounters.

Report: Transgender people serve in US military at a rate double the general population

The Lavender Scare.  
The Lavender Scare refers to the persecution of gays from the late 1940s to around 1969.

The Zinedine Zidane headbutt on Italy’s Marco Materazzi is undoubtedly the most controversial exit the sport has ever seen.

Throughout his career, Materazzi has gained a reputation for his provocative and overly aggressive behavior on the field, his nickname The Matrix, owing to his unpredictable personality. In characteristic fashion, he refused to apologize at the time.

Exciting Soccer Action in GIFs

Movie of Phobos and Deimos from Curiosity: super cool and scientifically useful


Emily Lakdawalla's Facebook site

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Tracking this story Post by Good Stuff.
and testing this new Facebook embedding stuff

 Intercepted Calls Prove Syrian Army Used Nerve Gas
Hat Tip - NSFWFred Dude

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source - David Jablow's Art Blog

Lily Cole is an English model and actress.

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If the boss or the kids are around; don't open the remaining links
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Earlier in Lily Cole's  career she was criticised for being too skinny. Over 2008-2009, however, she appears to have gained a significant amount of weight, as her appearance in the 2010 Pirrelli calendar testifies.

There are some photos of Lily Cole wearing her birthday suit

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Living on the Fringes of Society

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Blown Away By Blow Up Love Dolls


Cops in China are always under a lot of pressure. When ridiculous stories like this air, they just blow up in their face. It's horrible and deflating to morale. People shouldn't be able to toy with the police else the number of pranks will balloon and criminals will get off doing whatever they want.

One summer evening, what looked like a dead body was spotted in a river in China. Eighteen police officers arrived on the scene, and over a thousand people showed up at the river to rubberneck. Police worked for an hour to retrieve the body. Once they fished it out, cops discovered it was no dead body. Rather, it was actually a blow-up doll. 

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Puritan that is against everything drop a dime on me. As a result Pinterest has delete all my accounts. I did a backup a couple of weeks ago. Therefore, I will be transferring the robot hooker stuff to my blogs

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A NSFW image of a Barack Love doll

Hat Tip Boilerdoc Dude at Pitsnipes Gripes


Let me explain why a nakedMiley Cyrus leads this issue...

Miley CyrusNude In Wrecking Ball Music Video and this Miley Cyrus "Wrecking Ball" Vine Is Hilarious

That poor wrecking ball! Nobody asked if it wanted to put itself at risk that way. Hopefully the video made enough money to cover the treatments for infection and the mental scarring. However, here is an open letter from Miley Cyrus's Sledgehammer

At MTV Video Music AwardsMiley Cyrus was stripping to her underwear, grinding on a foam finger and twerking 

Disney Princesses Twerking Will Shatter Your Childhood

Over the years, Goodstuff's Cyber World as become a news website that many people turn to for top-notch reporting. Every day it is visited by smart people, all of whom want to keep abreast current events. I could have argued that Miley Cyrus’ performance merited the top spot on my website because it was significant in terms of what’s happening in the world of pop culture, or that her rule 5 self promotion theatrics are worth covering. Who am I kidding? Like Alyssa Milano, if we’re able to get more eyeballs ogling , that means I’ve done my job, which gets me congratulations from my readers, which encourages me to put up even more goodstuff on my site.

Americans Reportedly 12 Times More Interested 

Silent film star Asta Nielsen twerking in this 1910 film 

Asta Nielsen, Film's first sex symbol 

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Lots more photos of Asta Nielsen

Inappropriate Places To Twerk
Miley Cyrus"Wrecking Ball" Memes
Latin Dancing (salsa) definitely beats twerking 

Interactive Documentary - Clouds Over Cuba retraces the steps of the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis, as the event nears its 50th anniversary. The film includes a collection of photos, footage, and speeches of President Kennedy and others involved in the 1962 event. 

National Security Agency Releases History of Cold War Intelligence Activities

Nuclear Explosion Test (16 gifs)

The Manhattan Project Bomb You Haven't Heard Of

Life achievement, pissing on lava. Because it’s on every 
Dude’s "to do" list…

In the beginning of Hawaiian time... Madame Pele was born in a far-distant land at the edge of the sky.  After a time, and the bearing of children, her husband was “enticed away” by another. The deserted Madame Pele, being ‘much displeased and troubled in mind’ (a.k.a. pissed off),  on account of her husband’s indiscrepancy, went in search of him...

Back during the Cold War, I was common to hear/read 
"NSA (No Such Agency) does not spend a dime on public relations" 

These last two weeks there has been a barrage of NSA stories that read like misinformation...  

NSA is now currently occupying its highest public profile in living memory, a look back at NSA's early history is quite instructive.  

Quote du jour"They leak so much, they need Pampers."
-Oliver North, on the Obama administration
h/t The Proof Positive Dude

Racial Profiling?
FBI Ramps Up Surveillance of Syrians Inside U.S.

Intercepted Calls Prove Syrian Army Used Nerve Gas

Exceptional tracking of the Syrian story

Glenn at Instapundit has posted 
some great Syria links

 First Lady of Syria Asma al-Assad 
Asma al-Assad was once described as ‘a rose in the desert’, a long-limbed, London beauty who used her elegance and Western style to mask the increasing brutality of her husband’s murderous regime.
An Etiquette Guide for Asma al-Assad
Queen Rania al Abdullah of Jordan 
Beautiful Women From The Arab World 

Piss myself laughing 
I should of guessed what was to come considering the seal was named Snuffy.

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Drone's eye view of Burning Man 2013
(BooBs at 3:50)

Things I Learned At Burning Man (2013)

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Trey Ratcliff's Burning Man Gallery 

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Burning Man is a week-long annual event held in the Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada, in the United States. The event begins on the last Monday in August, and ends on the first Monday in September, which coincides with the American Labor Day holiday. It takes its name from the ritual burning of a large wooden effigy, which is set alight on Saturday evening.

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Hat Tip at NSFWFred Dude

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I be needin' to told ye a Sea Story

talk Like a Pirate photo Yoda-Talk-Like-a-Pirate-day.jpg
September 19th (every year) is 
International Talk Like A Pirate Day
Post Like a Pirate : Google Pirate search 

Push Up Bra Commercial in Thailand

I may not be sure exactly what she's selling, 
but, I'm pretty sure I'm not in the market!

Cheeky Thai push-up bra commercial 

The latest viral video to come out of Thailand is a cheeky ad for Wacoal Mood new Boost Up bra. The video, which was uploaded at the end of July, has quickly racked up almost two millions views and nearly two thousand comments on the social network.

Sex in Advertising
For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

I may not be sure exactly what she's selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

I am sure Proof Positive never notice that when she takes a bite of the burger the burger becomes whole again in the next shot


Record breaking body ... Ana Hickmann was once listed in the Guinnes Book of World Records as "The model with the longest legs." Her legs measure 48" (122 cm). However, as of 2002, the Guinnes Book no longer lists this title.

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Thin Legs or Thick Legs on Women?

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ZZ Top - Legs

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For John Dude, the lover of legs 

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 Paula Deen needs to cook Ana Hickmann some 
unidentified fried objects (UFO)

The biggest difference between men and women is what comes to mind when they hear the word “facial

Stark Portraits From the Plastic Surgery Recovery Room

Sydney Leathers had three surgeries done at once 
and allowed Inside Edition to film the entire process

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Anthony Weiner's sexting partner Sydney Leathers really is milking every second of her fifteen minutes of fame. This week, she publicly debuted a plastic surgery makeover worthy of an X-rated movie star. Sydney Leathers went under the knife, getting size-D breasts, liposuction on her flabby tummy, a nose job and teeth whitening.

The Obama administration quietly got a court to undo U.S. surveillance limits on the use of intercepted phone calls and emails, The Washington Post reported. The 2011 reversal of a 2008 restriction let the National Security Agency search deliberately for Americans' communications in its massive databases, the Post said, citing newly declassified documents and interviews with government officials. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court also extended the length of time the NSA may legally hold onto intercepted U.S. communications, increasing it to six years from five, a recently released 2011 opinion by court Chief Judge John D. Bates said

Brazilian spying hypocrisy

Edward Snowden was able to obtain secret documents revealing a massive U.S. spying effort from the National Security Agency's internal website. "We have an extremely good idea of exactly what data he got access to and how exactly he got access to it," NSA's chief technology officer, Lonny Anderson

Hat Tip at Glen Dude (Instapundit

This is an OUTSTANDING sci fi mini movie. 
(will worth the time)

The literal origins of the phrase 

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The treatment of tobacco smoke enemas or “glysters,” as they were amusingly called—for drowning victims was pioneered by English doctor Richard Mead in 1745, and was practiced widely until 1811, when a doctor discovered that nicotine was poison.

A Trip to Mars: 1910 Science Fiction Film 
Produced by Thomas Edison

This is 1910 kinetoscope by Thomas Edison that is thought be perhaps the first American science fiction movie or the  first anit-drug public service announcement


On sol 3425 Opportunity "waded ashore" at Solander Point 

NASA astronauts will begin growing and eating their own greens on the International Space Station this December

RAT-TAT-TAT of Tit-Jiggling 

Soviet Space propaganda posters 
created between 1958-1963
(mouse over stuff)

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Soviet Space Propaganda
Doctored Cosmonaut Photos

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The Soviet Union was far ahead of the U.S. in the “space race” of the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. By 1965 the U.S.S.R. could take credit for the first satellite, Sputnik-1 (1957), first animal in space (1957), first human in space and Earth orbit (1961), first woman in space and Earth orbit (1963), first spacewalk (1965), first Moon impact (1959), and first image of the far side of the Moon (1959).

Clever marketing on this Hong Kong billboard in 1969 shows lunar fairies sharing the mooncakes with the first astronauts to step on the moon: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, Jr. of the Apollo 11 space mission. Hat Tip NSFWFred Dude

Vladimir Putin, The New York Times' New Crusading Columnist

Still tracking this Syrian story 

Proof Positive reminds us, that Ann Miller has long legs 

Rule 5 (sexy chicks) for this week

Apart from Garfield and Cheshire, how many famous cats do you know? Unlike Hollywood stars who have a great many ways to promote themselves, cats’ resources are rather limited and come down to online promotion...

Grumpy Cat has become the most famous cat on the Internet. But why? What is the big deal?

Grumpy Cat, whose name is actually Tardar Sauce, is an almost normal cat from a small town in Arizona. Her big eyes and frown shaped mouth are what have made her famous. It all started when Bryan Bundesen the brother of Grumpy Cat's owner Tabatha, put a photo of the cat on Reddit. Seeing the huge success it had they decided to create a Youtube video, people loved it and it went viral. From that moment many started to overlay text to the cat's picture mentioning what the cat was thinking, these images or Memes have been shared all over social networks.

Building a Robot Hooker

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Sherlyn Chopra is bold, raunchy and absolutely opportunistic. The controversial gal doesn't let go a single chance to share her steamy pictures online which confirms she looks like Michel Jackson 

I am surprised that youtube hosted this NSFW Sherlyn Chopra flick

Sherlyn ChopraNude Photos, in Kamasutra 3D Movie

Last year I blogged about Sherlyn ChopraSherlyn Chopra has become more risque with her plastic self

Back in the day, Sherlyn Chopra was supposed to be quite bookish, complete with thick reading glasses and all. Looks like someone has really undergone a big metamorphosis, and emerged looking like this:

Sherlyn Chopra photo that's NSFW, for your morning coffee 

Sherlyn Chopra (NSFW)recently unleashed a shocking confession about her past life to her fans and followers on Twitter. The Playboy model not only revealed that she'd had sex for a price in the past but also informed that she continued to get such requests on her site from people who wish to get physically intimate with her but she's no longer available for paid sex.

The Most Ridiculous English Words Censored On Indian Television

Newsweek Pakistan’s Controversial Cover Features Lit Tampon Bombs
The provocative image was made for a feature story about female suicide bombers

"Sexual Jihad" In Syria 

Burka Girls Gone Wild

The Civil War: Sex and Soldiers

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Mannequin decoys on the Syria frontline

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Prostitutes and Madams of Montreal’s WWII Era Red Light District,
 a Collection of Mugshots

Strippers going on Strike? (Video)

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It ain't over till the fat lady sings. 
Still tracking the Syria story

"White Widow"Samantha Lewthwaite'Not Involved' 
In Nairobi Mall Terror Attack

A Kenyan minister said all of the militants, thought to belong to the al-Shabaab group, were men - scotching rumours that the notorious 'White Widow' was involved. 

Rebel Woman
A rebellious look inside:
Delores suddenly picked up a blanket and walked away from the fire. Jim Patterson stared after her. She might be a rebel soldier, but she was the loveliest creature he had ever seen...

Pulp fiction novels were wildly popular in the 1950’s and 60’s. These inexpensive paperback novels were filled with sex, some violence, cliches, and lots and lots of adjectives. Stories with overtly sexual lesbian themes also became widespread during that time. They had provocative covers and seriously confusing synopses. They were billed as “Shocking!” and “Thrilling!” 

This is Rhino Dude, my wayward bother...
Doing some kind of Bad to the Bone rap thing
BTW - It's his birthday 

Heavily Armed Starbucks Customer 

Google celebrates its birthday on Sept. 27 each year.
New Google Chrome update

Pre-release publicity for Brian De Palma’s Dressed to Kill admitted that a nude stand-in had been used for Angie Dickinson’s steamy shower scene opener. Two weeks before the film reached theaters, sub-distributor re-released the 1974 drive-in hit Big Bad Mama with the promise that audiences would “see all of Angie Dickinson.” Sleazy for sure, but no one could accuse him of false advertising! 

The Rolling Stones - Angie 

 Gingers - Designed for the Dark

Rule 5 Monday – compiled by the Wombat Dude

If somebody (Hacker) is willing to go through all of this to break into your phone, chances are you have bigger issues than fingerprint security.

Watch Jill St John steal Sean Connery's fingerprint 
(James Bond Stuff)

William Boyd has left James Bond stirred, if not shaken. The British writer has taken on the fictional spy in "Solo," a new 007 novel that balances fidelity to Ian Fleming's iconic character with subtle changes.


The iPhone Touch ID fingerprint security system can be unlocked with your finger even if you’re asleep. That means a jealous lover could hold your phone to your thumb while you slumber and read all your texts, call logs, emails, and more.

Apple confirms that a dead thumb won’t work. 
Chloroforming the victim might...

Five Ways To Unlock Your iPhone That Don't Involve Using Fingertips 

Sweet bypass for student finger scanner 

A Pennsylvania mining company sued by the federal government on behalf of a worker who refused a biometric hand scan because he believes in the Bible's mark of the beast prophecy

A One-Off ‘Simpsons’ Joke Helped Design The iPhone

Christine O'Donnell's 90's MTV Anti-Masturbation Campaign

A great read!
What Teenage Girls Were Taught About Masturbation In 1918
Here’s a chapter of the book titled, uh, “Solitary Vice” 

Resisting The Urge: A Guide For Christian Boys

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"Thou shall covet Anne Baxter's boobs!" 
The Sinful Proof Dude 

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Newscasters Who Accidentally Went Insane on Live TV

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I want to grow up and be Joanna Krupa's puppy
Check out Joanna Krupa's puppies (NSFW)

CONCEPT of Blogging About Mass Shootings

Templates for blogging about a Mass Shootings

Hat Tip - Tom the Dancing Bug, by Ruben Bolling

Tom The Dancing Bug Blog

Tom Tomorrow - "Every time one of these atrocities has occurred, since the cartoon below first ran in January of 2011, readers have written to suggest that I rerun it with a blank line replacing the name of the town. And in fact, I seriously considered it this time, as a way of driving home the sheer numbing repetition of these massacres. But then I realized I wanted to take the idea a little further than that, so this is where I ended up, with a sort of sequel to the last one."

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Go Figure...

Wait a sec… Hey! You there! You kids! Get the hell off my lawn! I’m warning you! Don’t make me come out there and use this rifle! Squeak squeak. Squeak squeak…

Gun Rights in America (made simple)

The Tom Clancy Dude

Say what you will about Tom Clancy, but the man knew how to tell a story. People talk about how Tom Clancy made high-tech weaponry understandable to the layman, but that wasn't his ace; it was his ability to keep countless story threads going, all over the globe, without the reader ever getting lost or tangled up.

The Hunt for Red October would almost certainly have languished had not a copy found its way under the White House Christmas Tree. President Ronald Reagan lapped it up as “the perfect yarn”, while his Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger went further, declaring: “The technical detail is vast and accurate, remarkably so for an author who originally had no background or experience.” When the Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman, read the book, he asked: “Who the hell cleared it?” Tom Clancy claimed that he had had no access to classified material, but had gleaned details of weapons systems simply by researching technical manuals, magazines and reference books.

"I'll never decide for commercial reasons to put something in that endangers our national security. You just can't do that" - Tom Clancy 

Tom Clancy's Movies and Books

A couple of my favorite Tom Clancy quotes

 “The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.” - Tom Clancy 

"I've made up stuff that's turned out to be real, that's the spooky part." - Tom Clancy

Tom Clancy is going to be missed... newly widowed wife, Alexandra Clancy, is an impressive figure in her own right, and it is worth taking a moment to learn about her on this sad day

Celebrity Cleavage (Pic Dumb)

Celebs Who Know How to Attract Attention
A revealing cleavage is one of the main weapons of any woman

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