Celebrating the hot season, think hot pants and mini-skirts, with Anna Ohura and Anna May Wong. Plus, at no extra cost, belly dancing and other titbits
Anna Ohura ( 大浦あんな ) is a Japanese pornographic actress, known for her humongous (100-centimeter, I-cup) natural breasts
Anna Ohura was born in Hokkaidō, to a French father and Japanese mother, Who don't approve of her drinking and smoking.
Anna Ohura's AV-acting style has been described as that of a traditional Japanese porn star... In true Japanese fashion, Anna Ohura acts demure and somewhat shy, even as she's willingly thrusting her boobs out
Goodstuff's Anna Ohura photo gallery and filmography
"Your on the edge op" - ExplodingCats
Adding stuff to the Asian Chicks photo gallery
Anna Ohura retired from Adult Movie Entertainment and now focusing on finding the wizard
The Internet Scam: Not Just for Nigerian Princes Anymore
Proof Positive's Friday Night Babe is Karrueche Tran
Karrueche Tran enjoys fighting tigers, vacationing in Chernobyl, and taunting ISIS on twitter. Some say she's the bravest woman to ever walk the face of the Earth. BTW - I would not be opposed to exploring Karrueche Tran's tattoos while drinking shots from her belly button
Lava waterfalls and streams that decorate the landscape after Tolbachik open in two places. Tolbachik. Located in the far east of Russia, Cape Kamchatka
A huge Marilyn Monroe (aka Norma Jean) photo gallery
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring" - Marilyn Monroe

Proof Positive's weekly links
Wombat-socho's Rule 5 unwrapped
The happenings in Ye Olde Blogosphere
Average Bubba is talking about Christina Hendricks
Double Trouble Two has some Boobies
Short attention span theater, celebrity special
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends! You will see things you never dreamed were possible! They will wiggle and waggle and shake and shimmy, and they're going to show you everything you want to see! This is the blog you've heard about! This is the one that they're all talking about! You will never forget what you see inside this blog!
NSFWFred Dude's outstanding blogging magazine
74 year old Woman unharmed after strangling a rabid raccoon that was attacking her
Stunning 3D Animated Stereo Images from the Late 19th Century
Boilerdoc Sees the Light
Primordial Light Show......
It's been a veritable flea circus lately in the fossil-hunting business.
Reprogramming Lifeforms in someone’s kitchen while drinking A Beer

Anna May Wong personal relationships typically were with older Caucasian men, but California law forbid marriage between Asians and Caucasians until 1948. One of her white lovers offered to marry her in Mexico, but the couple's intentions became known and he backed off when his Hollywood career was jeopardized. Wong mused about marrying a Chinese man at times, but the Chinese culture held actresses to be on a par with prostitutes
So, let me get this straight: this device spits out rolls of movie stills? I don’t understand, but if Valerie Leon is wrapping herself in them, I’ll buy it anyway.
Asteroids and comets visited by spacecraft as of March 2015, in true color (excepting Vesta, which is many times bigger than Lutetia)
Vintage “Sex Sells” Camera Advertising