Hot cosplayer Abby Dark Star (the chick with really big boobs) hosts this wayward issue; Where we explore some random concepts.
Abby Dark Star the cosplay chick
Abby Dark Star works in Social Media. Which would explain why she is all over the world wide web
Abby Dark Star Is Deliciously Geeky at Deviant Art

The Boob Agenda, Abby Dark Star on Tumblr
Spy music of the 1960s
Eaton Alive! (Shirley Eaton)

Best of the Web with Proof Positive
What is happening in Ye Olde Pirate Cove
Tasty Rule 5 Wombat snacks
NSFWFred Dude posted some great stuff this week
Glenn at Instapundit
Wild Women of the Past
How To Get A Husband For Young Ladies Spinsters and Widows: 1880
Vintage Babe of the Week is Carole Lombard

Living Dolls are women who make themselves appear to be just that; living breathing dolls. They dress up, wear make up, get plastic surgery, use camera tricks, and Photoshop themselves to embody a hyper-real notion of beauty.
Barbie dolls are fun! They don't have to be just for little kids. And if you're an sick-o person like me, Playing with Barbie can be a heck of a good time!
From the Society of the Promotion of Construct Rights
Amazing Automatons, Robots & Victorian Androids
Just Put Some Gears on Her and...
Draw me like one of your organic carbon based females
of French origin
Penny from The Big Bang Theory takes on Slave Princess Leia
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." - Albert Einstein
Read the New Issue of Charlie Hebdo in English
The People's Cube account gets suspended on Twitter
Imagined intimate moments of President Obama, President Putin, Her Majesty the Queen and even Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama, all seated on the toilet performing their own daily duty.
(Joe Walsh and Billy Gibbons)
We had two pots of honey, five jars of raspberry jam, five sheets of sugar paper, a salt shaker half full of sugar, and a whole galaxy of multi colored sprinkles