Goodstuff presents this egg-traordinary creepy Easter issue with Alfred Hitchcock and Tyra Banks. Plus some egg-extraneous Suffragist chickens... Basically stuff you can use this weekend.
Anna Kaneshiro thought the dates of Easter change every year just to confuse you and mess with your holiday plans... but in reality, the changing dates were made to help out Easter pilgrims. Centuries ago, the Church wanted to make sure they had a full moon to guide them as they made their religious journeys.
One German scholar, Jakob Lehmann, calculated Easters for the next 20,000 years... and as it turns out, you don't have to worry about it falling on March 22 -- it hasn't happened since 1818, and won't again until 2285.
I've uncovered another creepy Easter tradition of days gone by. A forgotten unmentionable, the egg bra was popular for a short period among females of a Certain Class. A festive but ultimately impractical undergarment. Sadly, egg bras don't always provide the support one would wish for...

Yes, I'm talking about Egg Bras. Not just for chickens anymore, egg bras were worn by hopeful little girls with big, big dreams.
Certainly if the creepy Easter Bunny was a person he would look like this guy! Look at those sparkling eyes, soft hands, and, and, and...
Also Charlie Chaplin
This creepy Easter card serves as a public service announcement for why we need stricter gun laws...
It seems John Dvorak wants to piggy back this self promotion champagne
Social media is a great place to meet new people, catch up with old friends, or even sell yourself (not in THAT way, perv). It also can help portray who you are to the rest of the world, for better... or for worse. Because while social media can show everyone just how cool you are, it can also show them what a fucking goober you are. Today we're going to help you not be an e-goober with these handy social media etiquette tips.
How Feminism Works
French Feminists Upset
By Artsy Louis Vuitton Prostitute Video (NSFW)

Send me an Angel - Scorpions

Thai Chicks (funny stuff)

After watching Betty and Wilma do all the housework, Barney and Fred decide to "do something" so they decide to "take a break" with Winstons...
In 1960, Winston cigarettes were a sponsor for The Flintstones. At the time, the cartoon was geared more toward grown-ups. But still. The prehistoric cast became "spokestoons", doing shameless product placement bits, which were incorporated into the episodes.
Some scary goofy Alfred Hitchcock photos
Bo told me about a bizarre experience he had while on the special effects crew of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic PSYCHO.

On the first day of the “shower scene” filming Bo and Myra began their preparations. First he had to shave her pubic area. Bo said he always got these raunchy assignments. Poor guy. Covering the nipples was not a problem. The material showed just enough nipple shadow to convey nudity while not violating code. Now for the pubic region. He placed the cork gently into its anchoring orifice (I’ll spare you the details). He then painted the adhesive onto the triangle, then began pulling the triangle up and over onto the target area.

Some one make Alfred Hitchcock a sandwich...

Janet Leigh's name - and terrifying screams - became synonymous with cinematic legend as Alfred Hitchcock's doomed heroine in the infamous stabbing shower scene from "Psycho."

Despite her later roles, which were eventually superseded by turns as a mother, humanitarian and best-selling author, audiences would still forever remember those fateful 45 seconds of the dying Janet Leigh, glimpsed in naked silhouette, her hands tearing vainly at the shower curtain as her blood spirals down the drain.

"I don't take showers. Or, if there is no other way to bathe, I make sure all of the doors and windows in the house are locked, and I leave the bathroom door and shower curtain open so I have a perfect, clear view." -- Janet Leigh

Mr. Scrambles is an eggs-tra special new friend for your kids. He can teach them to cook eggs with new and egg-citing technology! The instructions basically boil down to this: place an egg between two phones, use one phone to call the other, and then wait for radio signals to cook the egg. Mr. Scrambles notes that cooking time will vary, depending on the power output of your mobile phone. Check your user manual and remember that cooking time will be proportional to the inverse square of the output power for a given distance from egg to phone.
The Most Mystifying Supermodel Ever; Tyra Banks the alien
Tyra Banks rules over world of social networking

It is a scientific fact that beautiful women make men stupid...
"Smizing" with Tyra Banks