From the Minister of Misinformation, in future all media citations must fit within strictly defined classifications: unnamed, well-placed, unnamed well-placed, official, unofficial, official unnamed, official well-placed, reliable, unnamed reliable, well-placed reliable, and official unnamed well-placed.
The Federal Bureau of "Quotations" has set up a website to help the media and the reading public understand what the new classifications mean. An official unnamed well-placed reliable source said the site will be user-friendly, featuring a cutefeline mascot named Miss Information to lead readers through the many details.

Carla Campbell was Born in Kingston, Jamaica Carla Campbell is a fashion model probably best known for her boobs : well-placed reliable source
Adriana Lima has blues eyes. She wears colored contact lenses which appeals as if she has green colored eyes.

“Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes!” -
"DOTUS" (Dog of the United States)
Our well-placed, reliable, and official national poll this week we took the opportunity to poll twenty widespread and/or infamous conspiracy theories. Many of these conspiracy theories are well known to the public.
37% of voters believe global warming is a hoax, 51% do not. Republicans say global warming is a hoax by a 58-25 margin, Democrats disagree 11-77, and Independents are more split at 41-51. 61% of Romney voters believe global warming is a hoax
5% believe exhaust seen in the sky behind airplanes is actually chemicals sprayed by the government for sinister reasons. (Thinking the error is greater than 5%)

Bo... the official well-placed source
The canine news channel reports that an unnamed well-placed source spotted Bo at the Cathouse for Dogs! An official unnamed source reports Bo engaged in wanton acts of canine carnality. However, Madam Fifi stated " Bo did not have sexual relationships with that bitch"
North Koreans in coats using computers connected to the local internet at a massive library in Pyongyang called The Grand People's Study House.
looks (surreal) staged by actors to me
On Jan. 18, 2013, foreigners were allowed for the first time to bring mobile phones into North Korea. And this week the local service provider, Koryolink, is allowing foreigners to access the Internet on a data capable 3G connection on our mobile phones.
David Guttenfelder "In the past I could post geolocated phone photos to my Instagram feed by turning my online laptop into a hotspot to link my iPhone or iPod touch by wifi. But, today I'm posting this directly from my phone while riding in the back of a van in Pyongyang. The window on to North Korea has opened another crack. Meanwhile, for Koreans here who will not have access to the same service, the window remains shut."
North Korea Cuts 3G Mobile Web Access for Foreign Visitors
North Korean students attending English language class
check out the Dudes sitting at table 21 and 23
Just a thought -- It's been a slow news week. Some of the stuff being posted about North Korea without a good sources of information is just crap and fear mongering.
Just a thought -- Twice this week I have read that North Korean sites have been hacked by "Anonymous". Is Anonymous part of the "War Games"?
It's the start of the hot season in Thailand
(Songkhran starts next week)
Bring On Summer Please
It's sooo hot...
Silicon boobs are doing a spontaneous combustion thing
Anti-Rape Underwear Will Shock Attackers
And Send Distress Signals
It's sooo hot...
It's sooo hot...
We've realized asphalt has a liquid state
Surfing Girls are just Awesome

At first glance, it appears that these surf portraits were taken decades ago. Truth is, Joni Sternbach captured these shots pretty recently using a 19th-century technique that hasn't changed much since its invention. It's called "tintype."
Celebrity Surfer Girls

gone swimming...