Surfing babes are interlaced into this huge metablog, for science
GOODSTUFFs Surfing Mermaids
The Hottest Pro Surfer Chicks
MSgt B doing Rule 5 thing with Maya Gabeira

Plenty of cool surfing gifs
Friday Night Babe is Sienna Guillory!
BeCos(play) It's Friday
Rule 5 - Peace of the Orchard - Paz de la Huerta
Sultress - Katy Perry
Night of the Living Babes
Bar Refaeli Billboards Sending Cars
Crashing Off the Road in Tel Aviv
Sexy Short Shorts with Double Trouble Two
Rule 5 Babes of Summer

Adding Time to the Work Week
Glenn, the Ko0L blogging Dude at Instapundit
Dangerous finds for Dangerous Minds
Proof Positives (winner of the Paul Revere Award) Best of the Web weekly links
Rondey's Space, spaced out links and stuff
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere?
Rule 5 with the Wombat Dude: Pipe Dreams
Rondey's Space, spaced out links and stuff
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere?
Rule 5 with the Wombat Dude: Pipe Dreams
NSFWFred Dude at ExtraGoodShit
2015 Paul Revere Award: And The Winners Are…
A mesmerizing time lapse of video from the ISS
A blogger from Russia has combined over six thousand of archive photos from International Space Station to make this pretty much awesome time lapse video. As he puts on: "nobody made it before, and I decided to make it, enjoy".
Images of Earth as Seen From Space
An introduction to boobs
Images of Earth as Seen From Space
An introduction to boobs
The other day I was looking at this transsexual girl/guy/hybrid on the cover of the new Entertainment Magazine when out of nowhere it's like Sissy's prophetic anointment squirted me right in the face with the best idea I've ever had - an online trannie boutique! Here's the best part - I'm going to call it "Tre' Trannie" Is that cool or what?
The Science Guy, Bill Nye is CEO of the Planetary Society and we just launched the LightSail into freaking space. So what is there left to do after a successful launch? Just surf it out at Cocoa Beach!
Fresh material is exposed in a rayed crater on Ceres. Taken on June 6 from 2,700 miles (4,400 km), it has a resolution of 1,400 feet (410 meters) per pixel
Awesome Vintage Sea Flags
The Jolly Roger (ドクロ Dokuro), also known as a Pirate Flag (海賊旗 Kaizoku-ki) is the traditional flag of European and Caribbean pirates, envisioned today as a skull over crossed thigh bones on a black field. Various versions of the jolly roger existed over the course of the centuries;
"The adventure continues!" - Rosetta
Shopping in the Free world

Clint Eastwood's Daughter, Francesca