Having some Sci-Fi fun on the bayou...
AMC's "Humans" - The Future is Here

From the perspective of an old Dude, if I were to write a simple account of my daily life and send it back to myself at age ten, it would read like the most extreme science fiction that no-one at the time would believe possible.
Today, we take for granted the ability to send photos halfway around the world in an instant. But a century ago, getting a photograph across an ocean was a much more involved process than simply snapping a selfie and publishing it to 3,000 of your closest Facebook friends.
As it happens, during the rescue someone on the S.S. President Roosevelt snapped a photo of the sinking Antinoe. Soon after, that same image would be seen in newspapers across the United States. But how did the photograph get from the London to New York City before the existence of things like satellites, smartphones and transatlantic fiber optic cables?
The April 1926 issue of Science and Invention helpfully illustrated the process, detailing everything involved in getting that photograph from London to New York City. As you can see from the caption in the Laredo Times, the way that the photo made its way across the Atlantic was as noteworthy as the rescue itself. And it owed most of the debt to a monster transatlantic cable.
Astronaut Survival Guide Tip#1 -
It's fallacious to say "There's no sound in space"
To be continued! Stay tuned to this Bat Channel!
Inside a remote rusting warehouse in the Kazakhstan desert that once housed the Soviet space shuttle program, Russian photographer, Ralph Mirebs, managed to gain access inside the hulking building to find not one but two spacecrafts, sleeping under layers of dust and twenty years worth of bird droppings.
These spacecrafts were built for the Buran orbiter vehicle programme, the largest and most expensive program in the history of Soviet space exploration.
The reusable spacecraft project that cost billions of rubles was officially terminated on 30 June 1993, by President Boris Yeltsin.
The UFO phenomenon does seem to reflect, at least in part, on the popular cultural conceptions of the time, and as those have changed, so too, have the reports.
Okay, this is well into tinfoil territory. Could the collective governments of the world organize something that looked enough like a real alien invasion to convince the drones the green men are coming?
V – The Original Miniseries (1983)