For all my friends, all of Jennifer Aniston's pokies! In this issue, I have asked wet, wild, and willing witches, from the Weird Wacky Web, why the wobbly world is out of balance.
Actually, come to think of it, I hardly ever see Jennifer Aniston without a nipple trying to get through a shirt. I mean, we used to see them poking under her shirts all the time on Friends, that they were practically a character themselves.
Turn on the high beams with Jennifer Aniston!

Naughty Nipples, These sensuous nipples attach with ease to your breast forms or over your own nipples using our FREE reuseable NipSticks. Naughty Nipples will transform your boobs! From perky and natural to traffic-stopping sizes, our Naughty Nipples are sure to leave you feeling naughty or nice!
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Extra Large (Almost 3/4" projection and 3/4" diameter) These 'traffic stoppers' are designed for maximum fun and attention. Great for fantasy dressing or very large breast forms.

There have been many reports that Jennifer Aniston (Queen of the Tease) can be seen nude, the reality is that Jennifer Aniston can be seen nearly nude. She is probably naked in the sex scenes of various films and photo shoots she’s done over the years but her nipples and private lady parts are not revealed in the final products.
How To Put On A Bra 101 (Ko0L stuff)
The World's First Smart Bra?

People don’t usually give machine intelligence much credence when it comes to judging beauty. That may change with the launch of the world’s first international beauty contest judged exclusively by a robot jury.
The contest, which requires participants to take selfies via a special app and submit them to the contest website, is touting new sophisticated facial recognition algorithms that allow machines to judge beauty in new and improved ways.
Climahypocrite: Jennifer Aniston
Underwhelming to say the least. But Jennifer Aniston has also been photographed naked topless on the beach by some pervy paparazzi so that’s a consolation of some sort. As a bonus, I'm adding in a picture of Jennifer Aniston taken apparently for some calendar.
The best innovations are so simple and this one is brilliant.
“In a time of universal deceit, truth-telling is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell
House Republicans ready Volkswagen bailout vote
You can't make this stuff up! John C. Beale, the EPA’s highest-paid employee and a leading expert on climate change was sentenced to 32 months in federal prison for lying to his bosses and saying he was a CIA spy working in Pakistan so he could avoid doing his real job.
From the “say your prayers, we’re gonna roast” department. Three weeks to Al Gore’s ’10 years to save the planet’ and ‘point of no return’ planetary emergency deadline
Superfast Military Aircraft Hit Mach 20 Before Ocean Crash, DARPA
Science Facts We Didn’t Know Last Year
The Dawn spacecraft is in its final, lowest mapping orbit of the protoplanet Ceres, and is now returning the highest-resolution images of the mission
From INFOWARS - Sex Robots could be the Biggest Trend of 2016
The most viewed file in the FBI's online Freedom of Information Act Library - also known as the Vault -is what some believe to be a real life X-File. Known in more paranoid circles as the 'Hottel Memo,' this officially filed UFO report has been accessed and viewed over a million times since it was uploaded in 2011.
The memo dates back to March of 1950 and is little more than a single page detailing a vague report about recovered UFOs. The memo was filed by FBI agent Guy Hottel. His report relays an account said to have been given by an Air Force investigator who claimed to have recovered a trio of flying saucers, with crew intact.
Sultress - Carla Gugino
Vintage Babe of the Week is Leslie Brooks!
According to a plastic surgeon, “Smokers who undergo breast lifts are at great risk of losing their nipples.” This is just a theory. Their nipples may “turn black and fall off”.
GOODSTUFF is tracking the Owl Qaeda story
The World is Out Balance
Model Behavior - Amy Jackson
Friday Night Babe is Adrianne Palicki
Big Boob Friday with
Miss Milana Vyntrub
BeCos(play) It's a Hungover Friday
Double Trouble Two - Asian Hotties
Collection Of Hot
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović - President of Croatia
The Original Victoria’s Secret Beauties of the 1920s
Ziegfeld Girls were the chorus girls from Florenz Ziegfeld's theatrical spectaculars known as the Ziegfeld Follies (1907–1931), which were based on the Folies Bergère of Paris.
I lived in a one-room, roach-infested apartment and "had men exposing themselves to me" - Goldie Hawn
Proof Positive's Best of the Web
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere?
Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. CLXX)
Flowing Curves Of Beauty
Drop A Penny and See Yer Future

Hang out and be super cool with NSFW Fred Dude