Due to the bouncing boobs on the beach factor, this huge photo blog might take a moment or two to load. "However, good things come to those that wait..." - GOODSTUFF
"LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!" Ring girls have more of a history in America than one would think. The ladies in the ring were initially the product of 1950′s Las Vegas and were used primarily to promote boxing matches to attract more viewers. During the ’70′s, the ring girls started to dress more scandalous and, at one point, were featured topless that amazing idea and practice was deemed illegal (damn you society). In the 1980′s the WWF chimed in and gave the ladies high cut swimsuits which eventually transformed into the standard uniform of smoking hot bikini’s ring girls wear today.

Smokingring girls
My thoughts : If Kaitlyn Hunt was a guy, she would be in jail and mark for life. This "crimes of puberty" stuff has gone insane.
Web-Weaver - One who weaves a tangled web of lies and deception.
Derived from the quote "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive." By Edgar Allen Poe
“Beat her f–king ass, Emily! Beat her ass! Get that bitch!” - Saint Kaitlyn Hunt of the Blessed Finger

"America is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked." - David Letterman
MMA Fight Queen Gina Carano

Apple 1, which the tech company's founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built in a family garage. Breker claims it is one of only six known remaining functioning models in the world.
Fully functional Apple-1 from 1976 sold for almost $700K
A bunch of Activists attempted to prevent the razing of Gezi Park in Istanbul, Turkey this week. The occupation turned violent when police began clashing with protesters.
Activists swarmed the area when news broke that 75-year-old trees in the park would be bulldozed to build a shopping mall. However, They were unable to stop the bulldozers
Social Media Is “Worst Menace To Society”
Attention, Journalists! You are an Enemy of the State!
Just started a new Pinterest Board
US Presidential Election 2016 Winner Betting Odds

Interactive map of the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition (1934)
BEDMAP 2 is a close-up view of the landscape beneath the Antarctic ice sheet and incorporates decades of survey data acquired by planes, satellites, ships and even researchers on dog-drawn sleds.

Antarctic Ice Flows - A Complete Picture

The Bedmap 2 survey also returned more accurate data on the lowest point on the Earth’s crust, if the ice were absent. The bed below the Byrd Glacier in Victoria Land is 2,870 metres (about 9,400 feet) below sea level, making it the lowest point on any of the Earth’s continental plates.

This map shows the location of about 120 automatic weather stations across Antarctica. It's the bare minimum coverage considering the continent is the same size as the United States and Mexico together.