Another look see at the Culture Marxism Revolution with Farrah Fawcett. Also, this considerable meta blog post explores the reason behind the substantial increase of Blogger hits from Russia
Facebook will not allow me to post the famous Farrah Fawcett poster. It appears "they" have pokie recognition software
Freaking Imgur as banned me again from submitting photos and commenting
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."George Orwell
"Your Account Will Be Deactivated" - A Facebook Phishing Scam
Back in the day, you could almost catch Farrah Fawcett nipples on your VCR. Damn that shaking tapey thing! You kids better appreciate your digital toys. Now get off my lawn!
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Farrah Fawcett had unusually large nipples, which added to the popularity of her iconic poster. However, during her role on the television series Charlie's Angels (1976), the Broadcast Standards Department (censors) at ABC became very concerned about what they termed "nipple protrusion" in some of her wardrobes.

The Farah Fawcett famous("Nipple")poster remains the highest selling poster in history. 12 million copies were sold and Farrah Fawcett made more money from her poster than she did from her years on Charlie's Angels
Wonder Woman & Justice League Special Comic-Con Footage
Electric Brushes: Popularized by a Dr. Scott, these devices, constructed for use on hair, teeth and even skin, contained a magnetised iron rod to generate “electricity” and claimed to cure not only ailments of the hair, teeth and skin, but also rheumatism, paralysis and blood disorders. A particularly shrewd sales ploy proclaimed that “In no case should more than one person use the brush. If always used by the same person, it retains its full curative power.”
Even today, a causual peek at late-night infomercials on TV show that medical quackery is still going strong, feeding on the hopes of the sick and and gullible until the next big health fad comes along.
Hair Styles from the 1960s That Will Boggle Your Mind
It all started out so promising. The cover to the first issue of Ms. Marvel is full of potential: a super heroine that kicks ass and takes names. It even proclaims: “This Female Fights Back!” – a tagline you could imagine being attached to a Pam Grier movie. This was Marvel’s answer to DC’s Wonder Woman who was enjoying a surge in popularity thanks to the Linda Carter TV show. Marvel needed a female A-List superhero – someone who was sexy like Wonder Woman and Charlie’s Angles, but also appealed to the Women’s Liberation movement. Hence, Ms. Marvel– the “Ms.” being a pretty big deal in 1977.
Costume in tatters, legs spread, and submissive at the point of a weapon…. this was Marvel’s feminist superhero?
She could’ve been Farrah Fawcett with brains and super powers… but, instead, she was terminated in her prime. Let’s have a look at some examples of this short-lived Ms Marvel series
The 10th Annual Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year Winners
After 23 days of flight and over 43,041 km travelled, the Solar Impulse 2 (Si2) has completed a historic mission, completing the world’s first, around-the-globe solar flight without using a single drop of fuel.
Rule 5 with Fritz - Margot Robbie
Beaches of Chile in the 1980s
Big Boob Friday with Erica Campbell
Cosplay This Week
San Diego Comic Con
Sultress - Xenia Seeberg
Racy Rule 5 - compiled by Wombat-socho
"The best posts I have seen this week" - Proof Positive Dude
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere?
Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. CXCVIX)
Rodney's far out space
NSFW Fred Dude the superstar of Rule 5
Over the last week or so I am getting hundreds of non-humans views from Russia
I have learned : It doesn't affect your blog. They are not real visits, it is called referrer spam or it could be the Yandex crawler. Don't click on the links, that is the only reason it exists is to get you to click on the links. The Blogger stat system will eventually recognize it as spam and will remove the links and visits from your stats. Also, it doesn't affect your ranking
Russian Internet Trolls Caught Posing As Trump Fans
The FBI warned the Clinton campaign that it was a target of a cyberattack last March, just weeks before the Democratic National Committee discovered it had been penetrated by hackers it now believes were working for Russian intelligence, two sources who have been briefed on the matter told Yahoo News.

Over the last week or so I am getting hundreds of non-humans views from Russia
I have learned : It doesn't affect your blog. They are not real visits, it is called referrer spam or it could be the Yandex crawler. Don't click on the links, that is the only reason it exists is to get you to click on the links. The Blogger stat system will eventually recognize it as spam and will remove the links and visits from your stats. Also, it doesn't affect your ranking
Russian Internet Trolls Caught Posing As Trump Fans
The FBI warned the Clinton campaign that it was a target of a cyberattack last March, just weeks before the Democratic National Committee discovered it had been penetrated by hackers it now believes were working for Russian intelligence, two sources who have been briefed on the matter told Yahoo News.